Guild Ball
The fast-paced miniature skirmish game of medieval mob football
What is Guild Ball?
Step up to the pitch! Experience ‘the beautiful game’ like never before in this fast-paced miniatures game of intense action and high stakes.
In this world, influential Guilds compete for power and fates are decided on the kick of a ball. Go head-to-head in bloody tabletop matches where your aim is to win by any means necessary — either by scoring goals or by taking out your opponents!

Choose Your Guild, Coach
Each Guild has a distinct playstyle and a variety of players to draft from. Choose your Guild, then select a Captain, Mascot, and four Squaddies. Got your team? Get on the pitch!
In the Empire of the Free Cities...
Once, mob football was a casual game played between neighbouring towns. A pleasant pasttime to celebrate feast days.
And then the Guilds stepped in.

Earn victory by playing the beautiful game, or by sending your opponent home in a wooden box

Getting started - How To Play
Credit: Watch It Played
Guild Ball™. Copyright belongs to Steamforged Games Ltd