Less than 7 DAYS until Strangelight Workshop launches on Kickstarter! Sign up today to join us in facing the occult and otherworldly this July 25th. 👁️
Small print: All Strangelight applicants are responsible for their own possessions. If you become possessed, it is your own fault.
Of course, before you can join the Workshop, you need to know which roles are available. Here’s a helpful rundown from Strangelight writer, Matt Goetz.
Strangelight Character Classes
You can operate within the Strangelight Workshop either as a member of a field team, or as a consultant who works with the agency. First, let’s look at the new classes the Strangelight Workshop introduces.

The Bouncer is a heavy-hitter who protects the team from mundane threats like gang members, bandits, and sometimes agents of the law—let’s be honest, when your job involves entering a haunted house to clear out any ghosts or gremlins within, “breaking and entering” is going to appear on your rap sheet.
The Bouncer adds some much-needed muscle to the team. If laying haymakers on bandits who try to shake down the team for some coin sounds like fun to you, the Bouncer is going to fit the bill.

The Caller’s job is to be the team’s conduit between the living and the dead. These spiritually sensitive people have an innate ability to sense the presence of spirits and otherworldly creatures.
When possible, a Caller will try to coax a spirit into moving on to the other side. When that isn’t possible, the Caller has… other techniques at their disposal to deal with an unruly ghost. If playing a hooded exorcist who can perform feats of psychic and spiritual might, the Caller might be for you.

At the heart of every team, the Investigator is the eyes, ears, and often brains, of the outfit. Heavily focused on skills, observation, and supporting the team, the Investigator is the person to piece together the clues of an investigation, no matter how weird those clues might be.
The Investigator is a team’s skill monkey who helps them maintain peak performance. An Investigator reads the room, finds the clues, and when necessary, performs a bit of weaponized photography.

While the Bouncer keeps thugs at bay with muscles and intimidation, the Jammer keeps the incorporeal away from the team with fists of fury. The Jammer acts as a blockade, making sure that ghosts don’t try to possess their teammates.
Helping the Jammer do this, they wear a pair of gauntlets that allow them to literally punch ghosts in the face, and a protective suit that prevents ghosts from getting past—or through—them.
The Jammer has a unique resource called Block that can be spent for a number of different defensive combat strategies, like throwing a counterstrike when hit or intercepting a ghost trying to beeline for the team’s Caller.

Rounding out the average field team is the Strangelight Mechanik, a specialized tinkerer, inventor, and engineer who keeps the team’s tools and prototypes in working order.
A Mechanik is a vital part of the team, particularly when they bring one of the Workshop’s unusual prototypes into the field. Not only does the Mechanik keep the team’s gear in fighting fit, the Mechanik can avert disastrous malfunctions of the Workshop’s prototypes—or turn that into a weapon against the team’s foes, if needed.

Those core five are the most common professions found in a field team. Some teams have extra Bouncers, Jammers, Callers, etc, depending on the nature of an investigation, but sometimes the Workshop will also look beyond its numbers for assistance in the form of consultants.
These people aren’t necessarily part of the Workshop, but they possess skills the Workshop—or even a single investigation—requires.
The core Strangelight book introduces the first of these consultant classes, the Arcanist, which remixes the traditional wizard class to be something closer to the spellslingers of the Iron Kingdoms.
The Workshop is headquartered in Ceryl, the City of Wizards, after all, and while it tends to not keep many as full members, the ability to weave magic can prove useful from time to time.

This system of consultants also opens the Strangelight Workshop to the entire range of Iron Kingdoms: Requiem, if you want to build a team a la carte.
The Workshop is known for bringing in third parties on tricky investigations, and it isn’t too particular about the origins or (ahem) cult status of those who can help them bring a case to its close…
Strangelight Workshop launches July 25th on Kickstarter. Sign up NOW to join the team!