Out Now! Kailinn, Fury of the Forest | Godtear
In the yellow corner, we’ve got the swift centaur, the whirling dervish of a Maelstrom champion: Kailinn, Fury of the Forest has cantered her way i...
In the yellow corner, we’ve got the swift centaur, the whirling dervish of a Maelstrom champion: Kailinn, Fury of the Forest has cantered her way i...
Unleash nature's wrath with Kailinn, the fastest Godtear champion — who can’t touch godtears. Wait, what? How does that work? Let’s find out! In to...
Master death with Styx, Lord of Hounds! Let’s check out how this Godtear champion shapes up on the battlefield, and how you could use him in your w...
Last Month’s Godtear Painting Competition was one for the books. We asked you to paint any Champion, submit it to us, and then undergo the rigours ...
Are you a champion painter or more of a Picass-no? Either way, grab a brush and your favourite champion mini, because we’re hosting the first offic...
Learn the strengths and weaknesses of the latest Godtear champion, including hints and tips for using him in your warband.Today we’re looking at ho...
Thinking about adding Nia the Shaper champion to your warband? Find out how in this Ultimate Guide.Included in the Eternal Glade Starter Set, Nia i...
With six followers and no banner, Helena is unlike any Godtear champion we’ve seen before. We’ll unpick this enigmatic Guardian and her unique warb...
Hail, Champion! Back at Gencon 2020 we teased the artwork for Helena, the Inspiration of Hope, in our Keynote Livestream.Seeing as the festive trai...
Let's take a crack at this electric Maelstrom champion!Find out how to use Luella's skills, followers, and ultimate.Luella Pros Low follower count ...
Let's see what this Maelstrom Goblin can really do!Jeen Pros Devastatingly fast Good action economy Disruptive skills Jeen Cons Rarely contributes ...