Borealis & Avalanche Rules Revealed | Warmachine Wednesday

Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
This week’s update for subscribers is part 1 of 3 of The Way of Caine by Miles Holmes. Allister Caine, gun mage and overall nefarious character, has long been a favorite of fans of the Iron Kingdoms. This tale begins in AR 591 and spans a core five years of Caine’s life—and it all starts in Bainsmarket…
However, before the bullets start flying we’ve got some rules to reveal…
Rules Reveal - Avalanche & Borealis Warjack
Unleash the power of the Cygnar Borealis warjack, engineered for battlefield dominance.
Borealis’ accumulator ability allows it to store and amplify energy for devastating strikes. Combined with a repulsor field for defense against enemy attacks, this warjack is built for the heat of battle.
Utilize its Sky Breaker ranged weapon or the powerful melee capabilities of its Thunder Maul to strike deep into enemy forces.
The Avalanche warjack joins the formidable ranks of the Khadoran military.
Built for unstoppable force and versatility, it uses its fleet ability for enhanced speed, allowing it to close on enemy forces faster than any other warjack in the Khador army.
On reaching enemy lines, it easily bulldozes through any obstacle in its path. Equipped with the precision of the Pneumatic Lance and the solid protection of the Wedge Shield, Avalanche is the ultimate powerhouse.
Subscriber Content -The Way of Caine: Part 1 of 3

“C’mon, Allie, help me up!” Tylen Reilly’s pale face was flushed, his breathing hard. The drainpipe groaned as its shoddy bracings threatened to pop from the brick wall. The youth swayed, unable to pull himself over the eaves.
Allister Caine, reclined as he was atop a rooftop haunt, leaned forward with a smirk. He raised a worn black boot, and held it in mocking suspense, as though ready to kick his waifish friend back down the three-story height.
“C’mon then! Some of us have to do this the hard way, you know,” Tylen groaned, more annoyed then alarmed.
Caine nodded, the smirk still in place, and reached forward. With a forceful tug, Tylen was up and over, thudding to the sooty rooftop with a grunt. Rolling over, he glared at Caine, and then shook his head in disgust. “Ech! My ’cerest thanks, yeh horse’s ass.”
Caine straightened his thick canvas jacket before reclining against the rooftop once more. He gazed beyond the city walls. Bainsmarket at dusk sprawled out before him. The working-class neighborhood bent and sagged becoming a canyon of tin roofs and brick walls. Laundry lines strung across balconies festooned with linens and undergarments, and chimneys puffed here and there. A half-mile west as the crow flies, Caine could see the towering smokestacks of the pulp mills churning thick black smoke in silhouette against a blood red sky. Even from a distance, the rancid stench reached Caine’s nostrils. The smokestacks reminded him of Tylen’s errand.
Caine’s red-haired, lanky companion nodded sullenly, taking a seat beside Caine. He pulled a frayed satchel from his shoulder, setting it before him. “Why I should give ye any is beyond me, what with such abuses as I suffer.”
Caine smiled, returning his gaze out over the sprawl, but nevertheless held a hand out. Tylen reached into the satchel, bringing forth cured meats, bread, and a few wine-dipped Ordic cigars. Rolling his eyes at Caine’s outstretched hand, he passed one of the stogies over and then took one for himself. The elder, Caine, twenty years old and lean as a whip, brushed back a wave of jet-black hair and produced a wooden match from his boot. Striking it against the nearest chimney, he cupped the sputtering flame and held it to his cigar. Tylen leaned in and, likewise, lit up. Puffing contentedly, the two young men sat back against the roof and enjoyed the view.
“A proper feast we have here, but what was the take?” Caine said with a puff and a sidelong glance at Tylen.
“Ech ... not as good.” Tylen retrieved a change-purse from his jacket, tossing it onto the tin roof. Five coppers spilled from an otherwise empty bag. Caine rolled his eyes, to which his friend shrugged.
“Market square ‘peared near empty today.”
“All week.” Caine corrected, frowning.
A scream came from below, quickly muffled and followed by the sounds of a scuffle.
Caine and Tylen scrambled to the edge of the roof and peered down into the twilight shadows. Below, two men shoved a third to the wall. The larger of the two, a pudgy man with a clean-shaven scalp, held the sobbing victim in place while the other, a lean brute in close fitting dark clothes, pressed close to speak. Even from their lofty vantage, the man’s visage was unnerving to behold. Either a wound or some deformity had left him with only a narrow gap where a nose should be. The victim protested, his voice shrill. The ham-fisted enforcer responded by punching him in the stomach, hard enough for the man to double over. The skull-faced man laughed, a grating hideous sound, and yanked the victim’s head back up by his hair. A moment later, the victim relented, reaching to pull something from out of his boot.
“Ech! The hounds are out.” Tylen snorted, eyes narrowing. “That’s Horace, eh? Boss’ Dakin’s second?”
Caine nodded. “No mistaking that beauty. Looks like a collection night.”
He looked at Tylen, lips curling into a grin. “Maybe this is a chance to make up for a bad week?”
Tylen laughed. Caine did not. The ginger-haired youth swallowed, his face twisting to a grimace.
“Yer not kidding.”
Change Log for September 25, 2024
- The Way of Caine: Part 1 of 3 added to subscriber library
- Avalanche: Added to Winter Korps
- Borealis: Added to Storm Legion
- None
- Goblin Tinker: Wagon rule renamed to Reinforced
- Malady Man: Wagon rule renamed to Reinforced
- Storm Vanes: Cost 5, Wind Weaver now reads: “When a friendly model is targeted by a ranged attack while within 2” of this model, the attack suffers –3 RNG. Additionally, within 2”of this model friendly models gain Resistance: Blast.”
That’s it for now. Tune in next week for even more subscriber-only content!