Here’s What You Think Of...Animal Adventures!

Last week, we ran a survey with all the Dungeons & Doggies, Cats & Catacombs, and Gullet Cove Kickstarter backers. (All 30,000 of you!)
Our hope was to find out what you really think of Animal Adventures so far, and what you’d like to see more or less of in future.
Well, when we sat down to look at the results, we were absolutely blown away by your responses. So much so that we thought we’d share some of that data with you.
Enough words. More numbers!
Value for Money
Turns out that, on average, 96.4% of you feel the product you got on Kickstarter was good value for money:

Next up we asked how Animal Adventures prices compare to similar ranges on the market:

And the results showed 88.9% of you think Animal Adventures sets are well-priced and affordable.
We also wanted to know whether you like Animal Adventures enough to tell your friends (or enemies, we’re not judging):

And as it turns out, 96.2% of you would indeed recommend Animal Adventure to others!
But the most interesting results came next...
The Future of Animal Adventures
A big part of this survey was to help us understand what you’d like to see next in the world of Animal Adventures. We’ve already got plans, so this was a nail-biting moment...

...and we were very interested to discover over 50% of you would like to see something new!
(And that we have more dog people than cat people, but it’s close.)
To dig a little deeper, we also wanted to know what you’d like to see more of based on what’s already been done. Would you like to see another Gullet Cove-style campaign setting? Or are more of you just here for the minis?

As you can see, we got a mixed bag of results, and some incredibly useful data to help us make sure we’re taking Animal Adventures in the right direction.
As for what’s up next, all we can say right now is make sure you’re on the mailing list for any upcoming reveals!
Giveaway Winners
Huge thanks to every single one of the 4,191 people who responded to the survey.
We’ve drawn the prize winners at random and our Community Manager, Jamie Giblin, has emailed the lucky 22, so be sure to check your inbox.