Meet the Druid Student | Adventures & Academia Characters

November 16, 2021
Meet the Druid Student | Adventures & Academia Characters
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If you’re a would-be adventurer, you’re in the right place. Adventures & Academia: First Class is where you’ll find highly detailed roleplaying minis and college characters of all classes, compatible with the world’s favourite roleplaying game!

Want to roleplay as a college-aged Druid with a love of all living things? Then you’re in luck.

Let’s meet Rahiga the Druid of House Divine


All things end. It is the only way something new can start. That does not make it any less beautiful.

Living on the road, Rahiga was raised in a nomadic community that moved with the wind, travelling across breath-taking landscapes from endless rainforests to barren deserts. 


It was on these trips Rahiga recognised nature craves a balance, whether it be a swamp, forest, or desert. Part of that balance is understanding that though a flower will wilt and fade, that does not make it any less miraculous or part of life.


While at the Academy, Rahiga is rarely seen without flowers adorning their clothing, a constant reminder of the impermanence of life. Content to listen as often as they talk, Rahiga is a regular sight on the common grass in between lessons, just listening to the noise of the Academy around them...  


What do you say, Student? Will you be acing your next biology class as Rahiga the Druid? Or creating your own college character to stir up trouble at the Grand Academy?

You can find Rahiga in the Cunning and Divine set HERE.

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