New Tales of the Valiant Character - Cannit Cragwalker Enters the Chat

A miniature introduction for a powerful new character
Barreling into your next campaign, Cannit Cragwalker is an exclusive new character created for the Tales of the Valiant Starter Set
If you know Tales of the Valiant, you’ll know about the Valiant Six — six brave adventurers (read: pre-generated characters) of different backgrounds and classes who’ve quickly become fan favourites.
(For those not familiar, we’ll share more details in upcoming blogs.)
Well, not only does our Tales of the Valiant Starter Set include exquisite minis to represent four of the Valiant Six characters, but it also includes a brand new player character!

This Bearfolk Barbarian is keen to bring the muscle to your game nights.
Though he grew up in a village rife with Primordial magic, Cannit Cragwalker always preferred roaming with the beasts throughout the surrounding forests. This roaming nurtured Cannit’s wilder instincts, making him into the fierce defender of his community he is today.
Though he still loves his home and one day hopes to return, Cannit could not deny his curious urge to explore the many worlds of the Labyrinth. And so, he set out to seek adventure.
You don’t have to wait for the Starter Set to meet Cannit. Download Cannit’s Character Sheet right now to add this fierce defender to your next Tales of the Valiant game!
Want to learn more about Bearfolk? Read about the lineage here.

If you’re new to tabletop roleplaying (TTRPG), or know someone who’s always wanted to give it a try, the Starter Set is designed with you in mind. The box contains everything you need to start running or playing roleplaying games, with no experience needed.
Created by us in partnership with the roleplaying legends over at Kobold Press, the Tales of the Valiant Starter Set begins from absolute basics (like how to talk at the table), progressing all the way through your first session and beyond.
It’s the introduction to roleplaying games, and it’s available to pre-order now.
P.S. Don’t forget to join our Discord to hang out with us and other roleplayers.