Now Live! 2025 Balance Update | Warmachine

Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly Warmachine drop.
Today’s TL’DR:
- The 2025 Balance Update (previewed last week) is now in the app!
- Insights into the key rules changes
- AdeptiCon events are almost sold out — make sure you join the waitlists to help us add more spaces!
- Battle Forge: Portal Wars releases (finally)
AdeptiCon Warmachine Events Almost Full
Our Warmachine AdeptiCon events are selling out fast, with many events already sold out.
The response has been incredible and we’re doing everything we can to secure extra space. In the meantime, please join the waitlists for any events you’re interested in to help us lock in more seats. Let’s make AdeptiCon 2025 a con to remember for Warmachine!
And speaking of extra seats…
Double the Keynote Seats

Due to overwhelming demand, we’ve relocated the Warmachine Keynote to the BIG ballroom.
This is a ticketed event, so if you want to find out what’s next for Warmachine, get your ticket now.
Join the Waitlists
We know the feeling of missing out on a con event you really wanted to attend, which is why we’re doing everything we can to secure more space.
In the meantime, you can help us out by joining event waitlists to help show demand. The more of you waiting, the more spaces we can (hopefully) add!
Non-Stop Iron Arena
And of course, Iron Arena events will be running throughout the con! We’ll briefly pause to sleep, but otherwise, it’s ON.
Every day from the time the gaming hall opens to when it closes, you can bring your favorite lists to play casual pick-up games and win some cool prizes! This is an open event, so you can play as often and in whatever format you choose. Tables will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.
Friendly reminder if you’re planning on playing in any events at AdeptiCon 2025:
You must be an AdeptiCon 2025 badge holder to participate in any events. This includes team events. In short: If you're playing, you need a badge. Register here.
AdeptiCon does require models to be painted for all events. Check out the full policy.
We cannot WAIT to see you all there!
Now in the App - 2025 Balance Update
Previewed last week, the annual Warmachine balance update is now live in the app!
Originally planned for the end of Jan, we expedited the release following community feedback. So if you spot a bug or error, please let us know by reporting in the app.
(Let’s not repeat the great AAAAAAAAPPENING of 2024…)
January’s a busy month for Warmachine, all the way from the Las Vegas Open to Australia’s CanCon. We hope you all enjoy the shake-up of the new rules, and best of luck to everyone in your next game of Warmachine!
To delve into the “why” behind some key changes, we’ve got developer notes galore. Before we get to the army-specific updates, some general notes on wider changes.
Command Cards
To better service the goals of Command Cards, we needed to trim down the quantity of selections.
Some cards have been removed, and others combined. This way, you get the breadth of desired options, but with fewer difficult choices.
During that process, we removed cards granting Eyeless Sight and Grievous Wounds, and instead added those capabilities to armies which previously lacked the necessary tools.
Lists also now include 5 default Command Cards, making them less overwhelming to new players.
It (almost) goes without saying that warjacks matter in Warmachine, so making sure armies had the means to support them effectively was key. Armies that lacked appropriate levels of support now have more Empower options.
“Propelled” was a fun rule that unfortunately contributed to extreme threat ranges and evasiveness, especially when combined with other abilities. So, we’ve altered the movement of Propelled, and replaced it with standard speed and Reposition values on the cards of affected models that are more reflective of their intended mobility.
While we’re big fans of range reduction abilities, the rules for Windstorm proved too safe. The range of effect has been altered to force the army to position more aggressively in order to take advantage.
Other Changes
- Speaking of being big fans, we know how much Tournament Organisers (TO’s) love Dust Devils. These terrain pieces have never had an adjustment but, due to the frequency with which they’re popping up in tournaments, and their ability to stack with similar effects, they were due a tune-up to make them less punishing toward certain armies. TO’s can now deploy Dust Devils guilt-free.
- Several effects, such as range reduction and feats, have been adjusted to only affect friendly Faction models.
- In the interests of maintaining an equitable cost system, reposition heads have been standardized across armies.
- Strafing Run (found on the Sea Raider Sky Raider/Sky Bomber and Tyson Vas) now only applies to damage rolls. In every instance, testing found it was overtuned as initially implemented.
Prime Armies
Each army has seen multiple adjustments, including:
- Opening up weapon options on cohorts
- Making support less of a points burden
- Toning down overperforming options
- Bringing up underrepresented models
- Applying cost adjustments to help maintain parity across different armies
While this article won’t go into detail on every small change, it does go into the reasoning behind some of the more notable updates. If you’re looking for the full, updated rules, they’re all now available in the latest app update.
Cygnar Storm Legion
- Several Storm Legion warcasters (casters) received a slight rework to give them a stronger identity within the army.
- Both Tempest units received several upgrades to help them function as the heavy infantry they’re intended to be.
- The Zephyr saw substantial adjustments to help it apply Ionization (and bully the enemy in the process).
- Electrify is now “target model/unit”. It was too restrictive compared to the damage buffs of other armies.
Dusk House Kallyss
Scyrafael was significantly overperforming and stepping on the toes of other House Kallyss casters. The denial of her feat was too strong, and the threat she projected was too far. With Tyrus already having an army-wide place effect as a feat, it fast became apparent Telekinesis had to go.
Many options were explored in its absence. Thematically, Scyrafael has kept all the elements she had before, just reorganized into a more defensive suite.
Although Scyrafael’s threat values don’t extend as far as they did, her ability to have her battlegroup retreat from harm opens up new build options, and new design space for a caster in the army — especially when combined with her Field Marshal and strong, targeted upkeep spells.
The Voidshaper was reworked into a Cost 2 solo, making it a more viable option for list building.
The Eidolon had multiple adjustments. Most notably its shoulder weapons gained Pistol, its Future Sight head, has become True Sight, Arcane Statis is now a Cost 1 head, and the chassis has native Force Barrier.
Khador Winter Korps
Probably the biggest change here is Superiority no longer works on colossals. Not only was it stifling options, but it was a little too efficient as a spell. To help compensate, the Mastodon had a native speed increase.
Weapon attachments for Winter Korps Infantry have been modified to be more broadly desirable, increasing the range of viable choices.
Shocktroopers gained a point of ARM to give them a touch more survivability in their role, without getting too close to their Man o’ War counterparts.
Khymaera Shadowflame Shard
With the Wyvern being essential to ranged defense, providing Draconic Aura, and delivering high damage output, we found it was wearing too many hats.
Uncoupling and rebalancing the Wyvern to encourage more diverse list-building also sparked reworks on the Hydrix and Skylla to highlight their individual strengths.
Meanwhile, Warping Winds was moved to the reworked Wraithwing Paragon, making it more accessible, if more fragile.
With the army as swift and surgical as it is, the Hydrix and Skylla were struggling to find their place against competing warbeasts. To give them a fighting chance and further encourage varied builds, each has had significant improvements. Their main heads have gained +1” RNG and chassis have gained +1 SPD. These are only the first steps towards this goal.
The Wyrmspine Cinderbacks saw increases to both ARM and RNG to aid their survivability.
Finally, Nyxyan is a divisive and unique caster who’s seen substantial changes in this update. Her kit’s been reworked to stay true to her design but better enable a unique gameplay. These changes include: Stealth, +1 ARC, +1 POW on Howling Flames, gaining Breath Stealer, and trading Long Shadows for a revised Revelations of Outer Darkness.
Orgoth Sea Raiders
The Gharlghast increased to SPD 6 and gained repairable. Its inability to access many Sea Raider tools put it at distinct disadvantage to its peers, so several of its abilities — such as Exorcism and Defensive Measures — may now target any cohort model.
Kishtaar traded Open Fire for Surefoot, and her feat now applies to all friendly faction attack and damage rolls. This gives her a stronger and more desirable niche within the Sea Raider casters.
Both Ghrotten had their speed cut to 5. Simply put, they were too fast for their cost and durability.
Molok’s cost reduced by 1, and Possession no longer requires the expenditure of a soul to activate. Ultimately, his kit made him was too expensive and too dependent on souls. His most unique ability being “always-on” should give him not only a greater sense of value, but a more specialized role.
Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders
Captain Firequill is a duelist extraordinaire. In his rework, he picked up Fortune Hunter, Reposition [3”], Headshot, and Broadsides. Of course, he also lost Energizer, and the Brutal Damage option on his pistol was replaced with Black Penny, but we feel his new kit will differentiate him from similar casters and offer a more defined playstyle.
The Surgeon was lacking the spice needed to help him see play. Those whose wounds are beyond his expertise are no more than Shark Bait, and are encouraged to go out fighting. Once per turn, when a friendly faction warrior model within 5” rolls 1-4 on a Tough roll, they may immediately advance 3” and make one basic attack!
The Reef Troll experienced a significant rearrangement of abilities to help build options for more cohesive roles.
Prime Mercenaries
Carver Ultimus
Carver Ultimus and MMD47 had an oppressive impact on the game.
In short, the tools he intended to supply proved too efficient for a package available to everyone. MMD47’s overall efficiency, potential output, and range at which he could apply it proved too formidable a combination.
As such, his RNG has been reduced to 10”, and each gun changed to RoF 1 with Reload(1). This normalizes the number of shots he can achieve per turn, while hitting his fury efficiency and forcing a greater level of vulnerability in the process. These changes still offer an enticing package of tools for MMD47 — you haven’t seen the last of this pig!
Krueger is an impressive and powerful model whose relatively low survivability didn’t sufficiently counter his offensive power, especially with several abilities that targeted friendly models aiding his survival.
At minimum, he needed to increase in cost and lose a rule. Howling Flames going up in POW by 1 made it even easier to justify cutting Burning Blight.
With a 7-point solo representing such an impressive figure, adding a bit of survivability helped place him in line with where his design probably should’ve been all along. And with many abilities now targeting “friendly faction models”, he’s indirectly lost some of his previous resilience.
Armies of Legend
Because the Prime armies haven’t been around as long, receiving new models and casters as part of an evolving meta, they needed a bigger evaluation than armies stabilized over many years. Even so, we’re committed to maintaining a broad sense of balance and parity with Armies of Legend, but the changes will often be fewer per list.
Many of the changes for Armies of Legend were covered in the general notes above, but multiple underperforming models still received tweaks, and overperforming elements had some power adjustments. The armies deemed relatively stable had fewer changes.
The following are a few of the more impactful changes. As with the Prime Armies, there are many other slight changes, such as points adjustments, quality of life upgrades, and accessibility to Grievous Wounds/Eyeless Sight, that aren’t covered here. The full, updated rules are all now available in the latest app update.
Circle Orboros Devourer’s Host
Kromac, Champion of the Wurm, traded Awaken Spirit for Inviolable Resolve. It was more thematic for him, while better enabling survivability before engagement.
Convergence of Cyriss
Iron Mother’s feat now applies to all friendly faction models. She wasn’t powerful enough to justify the restriction, and it should help her with the possibility of seeing play and with different army configurations.
The Attunement Servitors gained True Sight and RNG 9”, making them better equipped to perform their role.
Crucible Guard
All Rocketmen gained Unstoppable. Not only it this thematic, but it prevents them from getting stuck in melee despite having jetpacks.
Toro gained POW 18 on sword. It was too low for a stock heavy.
Cygnar First Army
Darius now adds a melee damage bonus instead of a MAT bonus on feat turn. Additionally, his Electrify Spell now targets model/unit.
This army has been an overperformer and a lot of that hinged on the threat of its infantry. The Malady Man likely never should’ve had Desperate Pace and its removal has been debated for some time. It’s been cut in favor of Dirge of Mists, which now grants concealment to friendly models within 5”.
The Frightmare went down in cost while gaining both RAT and ARM. This poor model was out of sync with equivalent light beasts and needed more than one adjustment.
Hollow Holden is now only 1 point. The cost of Hollowmen with Holden wasn’t reflective of their value. With Holden being a unique attachment, lowering his cost was the most desirable way to resolve this.
Khador Armored Korps
Added Greylord Ternion. Lots of jacks, not a lot of Empower, FIXED!
Legion of Everblight Dragon’s Host
Carnivean and Ravagore are now SPD 6 to normalize them with the Scythean.
Absylonia, Daughter of Everblight’s feat now grants +1” RNG instead of flat RNG 2. It needed better synergy with beasts that already had RNG 2 on their melee weapons, especially her personal beast, Proteus.
Kallus, Devastation of Everblight now grants the +2 SPD from Blazing Path to all friendly Faction models. Opening it up to infantry should help some options feel more desirable and encourage more varied list building.
Protectorate of Menoth Final Interdiction
All Errant crossbows are now POW 12. For ranged focused models, their ranged damage was pretty uninspiring.
Retribution of Scyrah Legions of Dawn
Helynna’s feat now grants all friendly faction models +3 ARM. This should see her being utilised as more of a combined arms caster.
Skorne Army of the Western Reaches
A variety of quality of life changes have been brought in for this Skorne army in the hope of helping them see the table more often.
Key among those include the new Elite Cadre on Supreme Archdomina Makeda enabling Vengeance on all small-based Praetorian units, Praetorian Karax increasing their DEF to 13, and Praetorian Keltarii gaining Cleave (note this was reported incorrectly last week as gaining 2x Double-Bladed Glaive).
Skorne Exalted
This army has consistently overperformed and the likely culprit is the overall strength of their lynchpin models, the Supreme Guardian, and Zaal, the Ancestral Advocate. On the Supreme Guardian, Divine Inspiration has changed to Strength of Death.
Zaal’s change is more substantial, curbing the extreme ARM stack of his feat, Strength Eternal, by reducing its bonus from +5 ARM to +3 ARM.
Trollbloods Storm of the North
The Troll Basher gained Rush. These models were originally balanced around access to the animus. Although the army could function without it, its playstyle became more limited as a result.
New Subscriber Scenario! Battle Forge: Portal Wars
Due to preparations for deployment of the Balance Update, release of Battle Forge: Portal Wars was delayed until January 15th. And would you look at that — it’s January 15th!
In case you missed it last week, here’s a preview:
The Iron Kingdoms is littered with the ancient and arcane remnants of the first Orgoth Invasion. Dark power lies within their abominable ruins for those bold enough to tap it. But as is the way of the Orgoth,all power demands a sacrifice…
On each side of the map is a Soul Cairn with the ability to teleport models on top of it to any of the three Ancient Monoliths on the opposite side of the river that runs through the center of the table. In an effort to deny their enemy the ability to cross the river using a Soul Cairn’s power of teleportation, players battle to seize control of the Cairn on their opponent’s side in order to sabotage its associated Monoliths. The first player to eliminate all of the Ancient Monoliths on their own side of the map wins the match.
Find the new scenario and more in the Warmachine app.
Change Log for January 15, 2025
Battle Forge: "Portal War" Added to subscriber library
2025 Balance Update is now live — please check the preview for a full accounting of changes