Warmachine 2025 Balance Update

UPDATE JAN 12TH, 2025 - Corrections shown in italics. Models corrected:
- Mechanik Adept Sparkhammer (Cygnar Storm Legion)
- Weather Station (Cygnar Storm Legion)
- Arkanists (Khador Winter Korps)
- Winter Korps Infantry (Khador Winter Korps)
- Sky Bomber (Mercenaries, all versions)
- Tharn Ravager Shaman (Circle Orboros Devourer's Host)
- Rocketman Ace (Crucible Guard)
- Rocketman Stinger (Crucible Guard)
- Grotesque Banshees (Legion of Everblight Dragon's Host)
- Farrow Bone Grinders (Mercenaries Thornfall Alliance)
- Farrow Razorback Crew (Mercenaries Thornfall Alliance)
- Flameguard Cleanser Officer (Protectorate of Menoth Temple Guardians)
- Supreme Archdominka Makeda (Skorne Army of the Western Reaches)
- Lucky Penny (Command Cards, Standard Command Card Rules)
A Warmachine update? On a Thursday?? What IS the world coming to…
Yesterday’s news of the planned release date for the upcoming annual Balance Update generated a ton of useful feedback, and also highlighted once again just how passionate and engaged the Warmachine community is.
Even when there are decisions not everyone is a fan of, the fact we can have open, constructive and overall positive conversations with players is exactly what makes this community so special. We appreciate all of you, and your love for Warmachine.
When it comes to Warmachine updates, there are some scheduled beats we’ve inherited from Privateer Press, such as the weekly Warmachine Wednesday posts and the annual Balance Update. Warmachine is a game with a long legacy, and with that comes expectations around when certain beats will drop.
Knowing when to tune in for news is important for growing the game and community — the Wednesday updates are some of our highest traffic days on the site. Which is why, whenever we can, we’ll be giving you advanced notice on when key information will be released. (Still, we reserve the right to drop some surprises every now and then!)
This year is also the first year we’ll be handling the annual Warmachine calendar for the full 12 months. There may be some adjustments compared to the way things used to happen, but we’ll keep you updated.
On that note:
Date Shift
We’re bringing the release of the Balance Update forward. At the bottom of this update, you’ll find the complete Balance Update in text format.
Updating the app is a time consuming process, and we’re not able to start inputting data for the next update until the previous update has gone live. This means the earliest we can start adding rules updates to the app is today — which is happening as we speak.
Due to data input, review, and testing processes, it also means the earliest the new rules can be pushed live in the app is Wednesday, January 15th.
So, in the meantime, you can check out the full Balance Update in text below. We’ll continue to do daily preview posts highlighting what’s been changed and why in the lead up to release, so if you’d prefer to avoid spoilers, avert your eyes now!
Otherwise, get ready for the biggest pending Change Log you’ve ever seen:
2025 Balance Update
Core Rule Changes
Disengaging section
Change the text of the second paragraph to the following, “A model in a unit that was engaged prior to being placed as a result of its unit charging never makes a charge attack and must forfeit its Combat Action that activation unless it is placed within the melee range of all models that were previously engaging it."
Racking Spells section
Change the text of the third sentence of the first paragraph to the following, “You can choose to rack any spells available to your warcaster’s army. A warcaster cannot Rack a spell it already has.”
Spellcaster section
Add the following section to the end of the Spellcasting section:
“Racking Spells
In addition to the spells they start with, some warlocks have options for selecting, or racking, additional spells. The number of spells a warlock can rack is described on their spell card. You can choose to rack any spells available to your warlock’s army. A warlock cannot Rack a spell it already has. Racking spells takes place at the start of the game with both players revealing their spell selections simultaneously. Once racked, a warlock’s spells cannot be changed during a game.”
Rage Fueled section
Change the last sentence of the first paragraph to the following, “Instead, a monstrosity can gain 1 focus point each time it suffers damage as a result of an attack or a continuous effect.”
Dust Devil section
Change the text of the second paragraph to the following, “When a model within the area of this terrain feature is targeted by a ranged attack it gains +2 DEF. When a model within the area of this terrain makes a ranged attack the attack suffers –3 RNG.”
Changes by Prime Army
Cygnar Storm Legion

Storm Legion Rack
- Replace Chain Lightning on the Storm Legion Rack with Sentry.
- Electrify: Replace the first sentence of Electrify with the following, “Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +2 to its melee attack damage rolls, Resistance: Electricity, and Repulsor Field.”
Storm Legion Models
Mechanik Adept Sparkhammer
For Lightning Pulse, change the text of Stormcall to the following, “Attacks made with this weapon ignore concealment, cover, elevation and Stealth.”
Weather Station
- For Storm Generator, change the text of Stormcall to the following, “Attacks made with this weapon ignore concealment, cover, elevation and Stealth.”
Captain Athena di Baro
- Replace Hallowed Avenger with Avenging Force.
Captain Madison Calder
- Ride the Storm feat: Replace the text of the first sentence with the following, “While in Calder’s control range, friendly Faction models gain +2 DEF. Additionally, while in her control range models in Calder’s battlegroup gain Dodge and Riposte.”
Captain Raef Huxley
- Sky Stormer becomes DEF 13. Cut Flying High.
- Replace Field Marshal [Reposition 3”] with Iron Horse. Change the text of Iron Horse to the following, “Light and heavy warjacks in this model’s battlegroup gain Pathfinder and Reposition [5"]. Additionally, light and heavy warjack in this model’s battlegroup gain +2 SPD when resolving charges.”
- Ground Assault becomes SPD 4. Gains Resourceful.
- Replace Field Marshal [Pathfinder] with Field Marshal [Steady and Sturdy].
- Stormthrower Voltaic Blade becomes POW 10.
Legionnaire Officer
- Replace Special Orders with Deathly Strike.
Lieutenant Sara Brisbane
- DEF 14.
Major Anson Wolfe
- Cut Lighting Tendrils. Rack options increased to 3.
- Add Marksmen and Headshot.
Specialist Tyson Vas
- Strafing Run: Replace the text of the first sentence with the following, “This model gains an additional die on ranged attack damage rolls.”
Storm Callers
- Storm Vortex becomes POW 11/6. Change the text of Stormcall to the following, “Attacks made with this weapon ignore concealment, cover, elevation and Stealth.”
- Lighting Rod becomes POW 10.
Storm Vanes
- Wind Weaver: Change the text to the following, “When a friendly Faction model is targeted by a ranged attack while within 2" of this model, the attack suffers –3 RNG. Additionally, while within 2" of this model friendly Faction models gain Resistance: Blast.”
- Replace the Arcane Precision head with a True Sight head.
- Stormblazer Cannon becomes Cost 4, RNG 12, POW 12. Replace Galvanic Blast Field with Lighting Generator.
- Power Fist becomes Cost 5, POW 16, and gains Beatback.
Tempest Assailers
- Point Cost 9, Damage Boxes 8.
- Voltic Hammer becomes POW 15.
Tempest Thunderers
- Damage Boxes 8, RAT 7.
- Blade gains Brutal Charge.
The Black 13th
- Chain Attack: Mage Storm – Change the text of the first sentence to, “If this model hits the same model with both its initial attacks with this weapon, you can choose to center a cloud effect template on the model hit.”
- Point Cost 9, Damage Boxes 18.
- Add Carapace, Plasma Nimbus.
- Add a Trampling Hooves melee attack: RNG 1, POW 14 with Critical Knockdown.
Cryx Necrofactorium

Necrofactorium Models
Master Necrosurgeon Sepsira
- Graveyard Shift feat: Replace the text of the second sentence with the following, “Place each model completely within 2" of Sepsira.”
- Beaked Maw head: Replace Reposition [2”] with Reposition [3” ].
- Doomspitter head: Gain Eyeless Sight.
- Light Spiker: Gain Critical Corrosion, Damage Type: Corrosion.
The Furies
- Condense stat profiles from three to one that is shared between all three models in the unit.
- Cut Battle Wizard and Wailing. Add Mortal Fear.
- Standardize their spells as Marionette, Power of Death, and Stygian Abyss. Cut Invocation of Darkest Night and Grip of Shadows.
Dusk House Kallyss

House Kallyss Models
Dreadguard Cavalry
- Point Cost 11.
- Great Sword becomes RNG 1.
Dreadguard Slayers
- Point Cost 8.
- Add Vengeance.
- Change the Future Sight head to a head that grants True Sight.
- Force Cannon: Gain Pistol.
- Vortex Cannon: Gain Pistol.
- Force Shield: Cost 5.
- Light Null Blade: Replace Critical Dispel with Blessed.
- Null Blade: Replace Critical Dispel with Blessed.
- Force Fist: Cost 6. Ranged attack becomes RNG 12, POW 13. Gains Beatback. Melee attack becomes POW 14 and gains Beatback.
- Reposition head becomes Cost 2/ Replace Reposition [2”] with Reposition [3”].
Hazaroth, Narcissar of Ruin
- Restorations of Shadow feat: Change the text of the first sentence to the following, “Remove all damage from friendly Faction extra-large and smaller based models in Hazaroth’s control range.
- Hellrazor: Replace Deathly Domination with Grievous Wounds.
Hellyth, Scyir of Nightfall
- Blessings of the Void feat: Change the text of the first sentence to, “While in Hellyth’s control range, enemy models suffer –2 DEF and ARM and friendly Faction warrior models gain +2 DEF and ARM.”
- Serpentine Blade RNG 2.
- Death Whisper SP 10.
Scyrafael, Nis-Issyr of Desolations
- Add Field Marshal Future Sight. Replace Doomsayer and Telekinesis with Grave Wind and Rhythm of War. Iron Storm feat: Cut the second sentence.
Seeker Adepts
- Exorcism: Change the text to the following, “RNG 1. Target friendly Faction cohort model. If the cohort model is in range, enemy upkeep spells and animi on the cohort model immediately expire. Additionally, the cohort model gains Spell Ward for one round. (A model with Spell Ward cannot be targeted by spells.)”
Soulless Hunters
- Cut combined Ranged Attack.
- Add Concentrated Fire.
Tyrus, Nis-Arsyr of Spiders
- Invocation of Shadow feat: Change the text of the first two sentences to the following, “Immediately place Tyrus and friendly Faction models currently in his control range anywhere completely within 2" of their current locations. Additionally, Tyrus and friendly Faction models/units activating in his control range gain Ghostly.”
Vaelyss, The Hand of Mourning
- Threads of Life: Change the text of the first sentence to, “Once per turn, when another friendly living Faction non-Leader warrior model within 10” of this model is hit by an enemy attack, this model can suffer d3 damage points to use Threads of Life.”
- Avenging Spirit becomes ARM 12.
- Touch of the Grave becomes POW 12.
Void Engine
- Point Cost 8.
Void Shaper
- Point Cost 2, Damage Boxes reduced to 5, RAT 6.
- Shadow Matrix becomes POW 10. Cut Shadow Bind.
- Void Strike becomes RNG 1.
Khador Winter Korps

Winter Korps Rack
- Superiority: Change the text to the following, “Target friendly Faction extra large-based or smaller warjack gains +2 SPD, MAT, and DEF and cannot become knocked down.”
Winter Korps Models
Replace Arcane Reinforcement with Sigil of Power.
Battle Mechanik
- ARM 16. Add Tune Up
Dire Wolf
- Ice Hammer becomes Cost 5.
- Scrap Saw becomes Cost 5, POW 17.
- Long Axe gains Critical Grievous Wounds.
Great Bear
- Reposition head: Change Reposition [2”] to Reposition [3”].
- Heavy Cannon becomes RNG 12.
- Deep Freezer becomes Cost 8, RNG 14, and grants Resistance: Cold.
Kapitan Ekaterina Baranova
- Gain Resistance Cold.
- Storm of Ages: Change the text of the second sentence to the following, “When a friendly model in Baranova’s control range is targeted by a ranged or arcane attack, the attack suffers –2 RNG.”
Kapitan Ilari Borisyuk
- Gain Arcane Precision.
- Replace Unnatural Darkness with Veil of Mists.
- Howl of the Wolf: Change the text to the following, “While in Borisyuk’s control range, models in his battlegroup gain boosted ranged attack rolls. When a model in Borisyuk's battlegroup destroys or removes from play one or more enemy models with an attack while in his control range, after the attack is resolved, one other model in Borisyuk's battlegroup can immediately advance up to 2" and make one basic attack. A model can only advance and attack as a result of Howl of the Wolf once per game. Howl of the Wolf lasts for one turn.”
Kommander Tatiana Sikora
- AAT 6, ARC 7.
Kommander Valerii Savaryn
- Checkmate: Change the text of the second sentence to the following, “Additionally, while in Savaryn’s control range, friendly Faction models ignore cover and concealment when making ranged attacks this turn.”
- RAT 6. Gain Jackmarshal and Drive: Shatter (Drive: Shatter – While within 10” of this model, the melee weapons of a warjack under its control gain Shatter. (A weapon with Shatter gains an additional damage die against stationary models.)).
Man-O-War Wrecking Crew
- Battle Saw gains Grievous Wounds.
- SPD 5.
- Heavy Cannon becomes RNG 12.
- Deep Freezer becomes Cost 6, RNG 14, and grants Resistance: Cold.
- Point Cost 15.
- Hand of Vengeance becomes a model special rule rather than a rule on the head.
Mortar Team
- Point Cost 2.
Shock Trooper Gunners
- ARM 16.
Shock Trooper Pikemen
- ARM 17.
Winter Korps Infantry
- Cut Lone Gunman from the Auto Cannon and add Combined Ranged Attack. Auto Cannon becomes ROF d3.
- Rocket Launcher becomes AOE -, RNG 10, POW 14. Replace Jack Hunter with Brutal Damage.
Winter Korps Officer
- Point Cost 3.
- Replace Stand Your Ground with Combat Coordination, Cut Feign Death. Saber becomes POW 11.
Khymaera Shadowflame Shard

Shadowflame Shard Models
- ARM 19.
- Gore becomes POW 14.
- Claws become POW 13.
- SPD 6.
- Wings dorsal feature: Becomes Cost 3, remove +2 SPD, add Shield Guard.
- Toothy Maw: Becomes Cost 5, RNG 2, and adds +1 MAT.
- Diviner heads Bite melee attack becomes RNG 2.
Incarnate Conjuror
- Remove Cavalry.
- Add Resistance: Fire.
Nyxyan, the Stygian Coil
- ARC 8.
- Gain Stealth.
- Replace Long Shadows with Revelations of the Outer Darkness. (Revelations of the Outer Darkness – Once per turn, when a friendly Faction warrior model within 12" of this model is destroyed or removed from play by an enemy attack, immediately after the attack is resolved this model can cast a spell without spending essence, focus or fury.)
- Reduce Rack options to 2. Add Breath Stealer.
- Howling Flames becomes POW 13.
Rassyk, Spawn of Shadows
- Wall of Fangs: Change the text to the following, “While in Rassyk’s control range, friendly Faction models gain Defensive Strike and Reposition [3"]. Wall of Fangs lasts for one round. (Once per turn, when an enemy model advances into and ends its movement or is placed in the melee range of a model with Defensive Strike, the model with Defensive Strike can immediately make one basic melee attack against it.) (At the end of a model/unit with Reposition [3"]’s activation in which it did not run or fail a charge, it can advance up to 3", then its activation ends.)”
Shadowmancer Scion
- DEF 15.
Skylla, The Abyssal Fury
- SPD 6.
- Add Rejuvenating Miasma. (Rejuvenating Miasma – While within 3” of this mode, friendly Faction models gain concealment. Friendly Faction Models activating within 3" of this model can immediately remove d3 damage points. Ripping Jaws: Replace Critical Consume with Life Stealer.
- Vorpal Maw becomes RNG 2.
- Transfiguration: Replace the text of the first two sentences with the following, “Models destroyed by this weapon are removed from play. When an attack from this weapon destroys one or more enemy models, return one Grunt to a friendly Faction unit within 8" of this model.”
- Point Cost 2.
Wraithwing Paragon
- Cut Hyper Aggressive and Shield Guard.
- Add Sprint and Warping Winds.
- Change the text of Warping Winds to the following, “When a friendly Faction model is targeted by a ranged attack while within 3" of this model, the attack suffers –3 RNG. Additionally, while within 3" of this model friendly Faction models gain Resistance: Blast.”
Wyrmspine Cinderbacks
- ARM 16.
- Fire Blast becomes RNG 12.
Wyrmspine Shadowmancers
- Cost 4.
- Remove Damage Boxes.
- DEF 13.
- Cut Warping Winds. Gain Reposition [3”].
- Tail Strike becomes POW 14. Change Critical Smite to Critical Knockdown.
- Bite becomes POW 15.
- Talons become POW 18.
- Flame Breath becomes RNG SP 10.
Orgoth Sea Raiders

Sea Raiders Rack
- Windstorm: Change the text of the first sentence to the following, “When a friendly Faction model is targeted by a ranged attack while with 8” of this model, the attack suffers –3 RNG.“
Sea Raiders Models
- SPD 6.
- Gains Repairable.
Grhotten Champion
- SPD 5.
- Cut Thresher.
Grhotten Keeper
- SPD 5.
Halexus the Warlord
- ARM 15.
- Cut Sidestep and Soul-Powered.
- Add Strength of Death.
Horruskh, The Thousand Wraths
- Illimitable Dominion: Change the text to the following, “While in Horruskh’s control range, friendly Faction models cannot become knocked down and gain +3 ARM. Illimitable Dominion lasts for one round.”
Kishtaar, The Howling Silence
- Replace Open Fire with Surefoot.
- Pandemonium: Change the text of the second sentence to the following, “Additionally, while in Kishtaar's control range friendly Faction models gain an additional die on attack and damage rolls.”
- Point Cost 16.
- Soul Taker becomes a model special rule rather than a rule on the head. Possession: Change the text of the first sentence to the following, “When this model hits an enemy non-Leader model with this weapon, take control of the enemy model.”
Siege Tarask
- Cut Brutality.
- Rage Fueled: Change the text of the first sentence to the following, “When this model is damaged by an enemy attack or when this model destroys an enemy model with a normal attack this model gains a rage token.”
Sky Bomber (Sea Raider)
- Strafing Run: Replace the text of the first sentence with the following, “This model gains an additional die on ranged attack damage rolls.”
Sky Raider (Sea Raider)
- Strafing Run: Replace the text of the first sentence with the following, “This model gains an additional die on ranged attack damage rolls.”
Strike Reavers
- Point Cost 8, RAT 6.
- Gain Assault.
- Gain a Bayonet melee attack with RNG 1, POW 10, and Brutal Charge.
Ulkor Barragers
- Point Cost 8.
Vulcar Forge Master
- Defensive Measures: Change the text of the second and third sentences to, “Target friendly Faction Cohort model. If the Cohort model is in range, it gains Shield Guard for one round.”
- Exorcism: Change the text to the following, “RNG 1. Target friendly Faction cohort model. If the cohort model is in range, enemy upkeep spells and animi on the cohort model immediately expire. Additionally, the cohort model gains Spell Ward for one round. (A model with Spell Ward cannot be targeted by spells.)”
Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders

Brineblood Marauders Rack
Powder Keg
- Change the text of Powder Keg to, “On a critical hit, the model directly hit loses its initial attacks and cannot make power attacks or special attacks for one round.”
Brineblood Marauders Models
Abyssal King
- Electro Lure head: Change Cost to 10.
- Seahorse figurehead: Replace Ornery with Counterblast.
- Powder Cask becomes POW 15/10 and gains Critical Fire.
Admiral Boomhowler
- Storm Rager spell: Change Cost to 2.
Booty Boss
- Change Cost to 2, Damage boxes 5, ARM 16.
Captain Firequill
- Gain Fortune Hunter, Headshot and Reposition 3”.
- Replace Energizer with Broadside.
- Magelock Pistol: Cut Brutal Damage / Make Black Penny an Attack Type.
Deepborn Dire Troll
- Bellower head: Gain RAT +1. Bellow becomes RNG SP8, POW 12.
- Lunker fin: Gains Prowl.
- Shark Skull Gauntlet Cost 4, POW 15.
- Squid Blaster Cost 5. Becomes SP 12, POW 12.
- Crab Net: Grants Steady.
First Mate Hargor Stormjaw
- Flame Burst becomes RNG SP6, AOE - POW 12.
Great Old One
- Change Cost to 16.
Marauder Crew Quartermaster
- Powder Stores: Change the text of the second sentence of Powder Stores to the following, “This activation, other models in this unit gain +2 to their ranged attack and ranged attack damage rolls.”
- SPD 5.
Pyg Battle Brig
- Change Cost to 10, SPD 7.
- Add Flying High and Reposition 5”.
- Replace Sky Hook with Sky Ladder.
- Change Propelled [12] to Propelled (Propelled – This model cannot aim, charge, or become knocked down.)
Pyg Dirge
- SPD 7.
- Gain Reposition [3”].
- Change Propelled [10] to Propelled (Propelled – This model cannot aim, charge, or become knocked down.)
Pyg Shockers
- Electrified Harpoon: Replace Critical Disruption with Disruption.
Reef Troll
- Skipper head: Replace Unyielding with Sidestep.
- Grog Cask booze: Change Cost to 2. Replace Elusive with Indomitable.
- Ships Gun becomes POW 13/8.
- Chain Shot Explosive gains Chain Weapon.
- Cutlass becomes POW 14. Cut Brutal Charge and add Granted Duelist.
- Boarding Axe: Replace Critical Amputate with Granted: Cleave.
- Change Cost to 2.
- Cut Anatomical Precision and Inflict Pain
- Add Shark Bait (Shark Bait – Once per turn, when a friendly Faction model makes a Tough roll of 1, 2, 3 or 4 while within 5” of this model, that model can immediately advance up to 3" and make one basic attack.)
Warchief Bagadibawm
- Gain Resistance Fire
Mercenary Models

Alexia, Queen of the Damned
- Change Cost to 4.
- Add Sucker.
Eilish Garrity, the Dark Traitor
- Add Gate Walker.
Greygore Boomhowler
- ARM 17.
- Cut Unyielding and Relentless Charge.
- Add: Shout it Out (★ Action) – RNG 6. Target friendly model/unit. If the model/unit is in range, it gains Force Barrier for one round. (A model with Force Barrier gains +2 DEF against ranged attack rolls and gains Resistance: Blast.)
Krueger, Wrath of Blighterghast
- Change Cost to 7, Damage Boxes 10, ARM 17.
- Cut Burning Blight.
- Howling Flames becomes POW 13.
Sky Bomber (all versions)
- Point Cost 13, SPD 7.
- Change Propelled [12] to Propelled (Propelled – This model cannot aim, charge, or become knocked down.)
- Gain Reposition [5”].
- Heavy Fire Breather becomes RNG SP 10.
Sky Raider (all versions)
- Point Cost 11, SPD 7.
- Change Propelled [12] to Propelled (Propelled – This model cannot aim, charge, or become knocked down.)
- Gain Reposition [5”].
- Heavy Gun becomes RNG 10.
War Boar MMD47
- Volley Cannon Weapon becomes RNG 10, ROF 1, and gains Forced Reload [1].
Zacchaeus, The Winter’s Chill
- Add Battle Wizard.
Changes by Army of Legend
Circle Orboros

Devourer’s Host Models
Gallows Grove
- Add Serenity.
Tharn Blood Shaman
- Add Guidance.
Tanith the Feral Song
- Add Dark Power and Vital Magic.
Kromac Champion of the Wurm
- Replace Awaken Spirit with Inviolable Resolve.
Tharn Ravager Shaman
- Sky Shaker (★Action): Change the text to the following, "This model gains Warping Winds for one round. (When a friendly Faction model is targeted by a ranged attack while within 3" of a model with Warping Winds, the attack suffers –3 RNG. Additionally, while within 3" of this model friendly Faction models gain Resistance: Blast.)"
- Warping Winds: Change the text to the following, “When a friendly Faction model is targeted by a ranged attack while within 3" of this model, the attack suffers –3 RNG. Additionally, while within 3" of this model friendly Faction models gain Resistance: Blast.”
Secret Dominion Models
Grayle the Farstrider
- Hunting Blades become POW 12.
Krueger the Stormlord
- Windstorm: Change the text of the first sentence to the following, “When a friendly Faction model is targeted by a ranged attack while with 8” of this model, the attack suffers –3 RNG.“
Reeve Hunter
- Double Crossbow gains Both Barrels.
Reeves of Orboros
- RAT 6.
- Cut Combined Ranged Attack.
- Double Crossbow gains Both Barrels.
Reeve of Orboros Chieftain & Standard
- Chieftain becomes RAT 7.
- Cut Combined Ranged Attack.
- Double Crossbow gains Both Barrels.
- Add Eyeless Sight.
Convergence of Cyriss

Convergence of Cyriss Models
Attunement Servitors
- Gain True Sight.
- Lumichem Ampule becomes RNG 9.
Iron Mother Directrix
- Mathematical Perfection: Change the text to the following, “The base MAT and RAT of friendly Faction models in Directrix’s control range are each equal to her current ARC stat for one turn.”
Reflex Servitor
- MAT 5, Cut RAT.
- Probability Mine is now a melee attack.
Crucible Guard

Crucible Guard Models
Rocketman Ace
- Gain Unstoppable.
Rocketman Stinger
Gain Unstoppable.
Combat Alchemists
- Alchemical Grenades become RNG 8.
Crucible Guard Rocketmen
- DEF 15.
- Gain Unstoppable.
Crucible Guard Rocketman Captain
- DEF 15.
- Add Unstoppable.
- Replace Granted: Swift Hunter with Granted: Reposition 2”.
Major Aline Bennet
- Gain Unstoppable.
- Windstorm: Change the text of the first sentence to the following, “When a friendly Faction model is targeted by a ranged attack while with 8” of this model, the attack suffers –3 RNG.“
Rocketmen Gunners
- DEF 15.
- Gain Unstoppable.
- Can now add a Rocketman Captain Command Attachment.
- Sword becomes POW 18.

Blackfleet Models
Captain Rahera, Terror of the Wailing Sea
- AAT 7.
Dark Host Models
Skarlock Thrall
- Gain Guidance.

First Army Models
Captain E. Dominic Darius
- Electrify: Replace the first sentence of Electrify with the following, “Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +2 to its melee attack damage rolls, Resistance: Electricity, and Repulsor Field.”
- Pit Stop: Change the text of the second sentence to the following, “Additionally, friendly Faction warjacks currently in Darius' control range gain +2 SPD, RAT, and +2 to melee damage rolls for one turn.“
Captain Jeremiah Kraye
- Iron Horse: Change the text to the following, “Light and heavy warjacks in this model’s battlegroup gain Pathfinder and Reposition [5"]. Additionally, light and heavy warjack in this model’s battlegroup gain +2 SPD when resolving charges.”
- Gain Sigils of Power.
Trencher Rifle Grenadiers
- Rifle Grenades become POW 10/8.
Storm Knights Models
- Bond [Maddox]: Change the text of the third sentence to the following, “While Brickhouse is bonded to Maddox, it gains Follow Up. (When a model with Follow Upslams an enemy model, immediately after the slam is resolved this model can advance directly toward the slammed model, up to the distance the slammed model was moved.)”
Captain Arlan Strangewayes
- Defensive Measures: Change the text of the second and third sentences to, “Target friendly Faction Cohort model. If the Cohort model is in range, it gains Shield Guard for one round.”
- Change Cost to 15.
Field Mechaniks
- Chief gains Empower.
General Adept Nemo
- Electrify: Replace the first sentence of Electrify with the following, “Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +2 to its melee attack damage rolls, Resistance: Electricity, and Repulsor Field.”
- Add Sigils of Power.
Stormblade Captain
- Add March and Deathly Strike.
Stormsmith Grenadiers
- Add Advanced Deploy.
Stormsmith Stormcallers
- Stormcall: Change the text of Stormcall to the following, “Attacks made with this weapon ignore concealment, cover, elevation and Stealth.”

Grymkin Models
Cask Imp
- Temperamental: Change the text of the first sentence to the following, “This model explodes if it contacts an enemy model while advancing or if it becomes knocked down.“
- Change Cost to 8, RAT 6, ARM 16.
Hollow Holden
- Change Cost to 1.
- Add Assault.
- Add Assault.
Malady Man
- Replace Desperate Pace with Dirge of Mists. Change the text of Dirge of Mists to, “While within 5” of this model, friendly models gain concealment. Dirge of Mists lasts for one round.”
Piggyback Officer
- MAT 8.
- MAT 7.
Zevanna Agha, The Fate Keeper
- Windstorm: Change the text of the first sentence to the following, “When a friendly Faction model is targeted by a ranged attack while with 8” of this model, the attack suffers –3 RNG.”

Infernals Models
Agathon, The Voice in the Darkness
- Revelations of the Outer Darkness: Change the text to the following, “Once per turn, when a friendly Faction warrior within 12" of this model is destroyed or removed from play by an enemy attack, immediately after the attack is resolved this model can cast a spell without spending essence, focus, or fury.”
Great Princess Regna Gravnoy
- CTRL 8.
Guardian of Souls
- Hollow Ward: Change the text to the following, “While within 4" of this model friendly horrors gain +2 ARM against melee attack damage rolls made by construct, soulless, or undead models.

5th Division Models
Greylord Forge Seer
- Add to 5th Division.
- Replace Sigils Of Power with Guidance.
Armored Korps Models
Greylord Ternion
- Add to Armored Korps.
Greylord Forge Seer
- Replace Sigils Of Power with Guidance.
Legion of Everblight

Dragon’s Host Models
Absylonia, Daughter of Everblight
- Replace Hex Bolt with Bleed.
- Metamorphose: Change the text of the first sentence to the following, “Models in Absylonia’s battlegroup currently in her control range gain Flight, +2 to their melee attack damage rolls, and their melee weapons gain +1 RNG.”
Blighted Ogrun Warspears
- RAT 6.
- Thrown Spear becomes RNG 10.
- SPD 6.
Grotesque Assassin
- Gain Advanced Deploy.
Grotesque Raiders
- MAT 6.
- Gain Ambush and Advanced Deploy.
- Claws becomes POW 11.
Grotesque Banshees
- Gain Ambush and Advanced Deploy.
- Piercing Screech becomes RNG SP 8.
Kallus, Devastation of Everblight
- Replace Fortify with Inviolable Resolve.
- Blazing Path: Change the text to the following, “While in Kallus' control range, warbeasts in his battlegroup can charge or power attack slam an enemy model suffering the Fire continuous effect without being forced. Additionally, friendly Faction models gain +2 SPD when charging or slam power attacking an enemy model suffering the Fire continuous effect.”
- SPD 6.
Warspear Chieftain
- RAT 7.
- Thrown Spear becomes RNG 10.
Ravens of War Models
Kryssa, Conviction of Everblight
- Howling Flames become POW 13.
Nephilim Protector
- Add Girded.
Nephilim Soldier
- Replace Massacre with Slaughterhouse.
- Replace Scurry with Massacre.

Blindwater Congregation Models
Croak Raiders
- Oil Gourd becomes RNG 10.
Croak Trappers
- Gain Ambush.
Kwaak Slickspine & Gub, Croak Sorcerers
- Mudfoot becomes RNG 10.
Dark Operations Models
Mortenebra, Numen of Necrogenesis
- Goad: Change the text to the following, “Target Cohort model in this model's battlegroup immediately gains 1 focus point.”
Rhul Guard Models
Hammerfall Siege Crawler
- Change Cost to 14.
Herne & Jonne
- Herne gains Guidance.
Stone Lord Guvul Godor
- Replace March with Deathly Strike.
Soldiers of Fortune Models
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
- Dirge of Mists: Change the text to the following, “While within 5” of this model, friendly models gain concealment. Dirge of Mists lasts for one round.”
Stannis Brocker
- Thrasher gains Grievous Wounds.
Steelhead Ironhead
- Add Guidance.
- Add Shield Guard
- Sword becomes POW 18.
Talion Charter Models
Captain Bartolo Montador
- Powder Keg: Change the text of Powder Keg to, “On a critical hit, the model directly hit loses its initial attacks and cannot make power attacks or special attacks for one round.”
Captain Phinneus Shae
- Storm Rager becomes Cost 2.
Captain Rahera, Terror of the Wailing Sea
- AAT 7.
First Mate Hawk
- Cutlass gains Grievous Wounds.
Lady Ayana and Master Holt
- Replace Sigil of Power with Guidance.
- Holt’s Hand Cannons and Gun Blades gain Damage Type: Magical.
- Add Shield Guard.
- Sword becomes POW 18.
Thornfall Alliance Models
Farrow Bone Grinders
- DEF 13
Farrow Razorback Crew
DEF 13
Dr. Arkadius
- Combat Syringe gains a Grievous Wounds Attack Type.
Farrow Brigands
- DEF 13.
Farrow Brigand Warlord
- DEF 13.
Farrow Commandos
- DEF 13.
Farrow Sapper
- DEF 13.
Lord Carver, BMMD, Esq. III
- Add Great Power.
Lynus Wesselbaum & Edrea Lloryrr
- Add Guidance.
Meat Thresher
- Gain Reposition [3”].
- Hailer gains Pistol.
- Add Shield Guard.
War Hog
- Replace Irresistible Force with Slaughterhouse.
Protectorate of Menoth

Final Interdiction Models
Exemplar Errants
- Heavy Crossbow becomes POW 12.
Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard
- Heavy Crossbow becomes POW 12.
Exemplar Errant Seneschal Heavy Crossbow
- Heavy Crossbow becomes POW 12.
Exemplar Warder Elias Gade
- Replace Sniper with Headshot.
- Heavy Crossbow becomes POW 12.
Vassal of Menoth
- FA 4.
- RAT 6.
Temple Guardians Models
Eye of Truth
- Gain Eyeless Sight.
Flameguard Cleansers
- RAT 6.
Flameguard Cleanser Officer
- RAT 7.
High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza
- ARM 15.
- Union: Change the text to the following, “Each warjack in Amon’s battlegroup currently in his control range immediately gains 1 focus point.”
Malekus, the Burning Truth
- Replace Field Marshal [Ashen Veil] with Field Marshal [Blazing Wrath]. (Field Marshal [Blazing Wrath] – Cohort models in this model’s battlegroup gain Blazing Wrath. (A model with Blazing Wrath can charge enemy models suffering the Fire continuous effect without spending focus of being forced.)
Vassal of Menoth
- FA 4.
Visgoth Juviah Rhoven & Honor Guard
- Change Cost to 7.
Retribution of Scyrah

Legions of Dawn Models
Dawnguard Destor Thane
- Gain Steady.
- Leadership [Dawnguard Destors]: Change the text to the following, “While within 10˝ of this model, friendly Dawnguard Destor models gain Tough and Steady.”
Dawnguard Invictors
- Change Cost to 7.
Dawnguard Sentinels
- Change Cost to 8.
Dawnguard Trident
- Change Cost to 14.
Magister Helynna
- Arcantrik Aptitude: Change the text of the second sentence to the following, “Additionally, while in Helynna’s control range, friendly Faction models gain +3 ARM and friendly Faction warjacks models do not suffer the effects of crippled systems.”
Priest of Nyssor
- Change Cost to 3.
- Add Guidance.
Shadows of the Retribution Models
Arcanist Mechanik
- FA 4.
- Gain Guidance.
Mage Hunter Infiltrators
- Change Cost to 7.

Army of the Western Reaches Models
Praetorian Keltarii
- Double-Bladed Glaive x2.
Praetorian Karax
- DEF 13.
Praetorian Karax Officer & Standard
- DEF 13.
Siege Animantarax
- Change Cost to 13.
- Replace Brutality with Cleave.
- Rage Fueled: Change the text of the first sentence to the following, “When this model is damaged by an enemy attack or when this model destroys an enemy model with a normal attack this model gains a rage token.”
Supreme Archdomina Makeda
- Change Elite Cadre [Praetorian Swordsmen] to Elite Cadre [small-based Praetorian]. (Elite Cadre [small-based Praetorian] – Friendly small-based Praetorian models gain Vengeance. (During your Maintenance Phase, if one or more models in a unit with Vengeance were damaged by enemy attacks during the last round, each model in the unit can advance 3˝ and make one basic melee attack.))
- Storm Rager is now Cost 2.
Titan Gladiator
- Change Cost to 14.
Venator Slingers
- Gain Combined Ranged Attack.
Exalted Models
Titan Gladiator
- Change Cost to 14.
Supreme Guardian
- Cut Divine Inspiration
- Add Strength of Death

Storm of the North Models
Dire Troll Brawler
- Replace Ornery with Cold Front.
Dire Troll Mauler
- Change Cost to 13.
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes
- Stone Bearer gains Serenity.
- Change Cost to 15.
Troll Basher
- Replace Cold Front with Rush.
Trollkin Runebearer
- Add Guidance.
United Kriels Models
Dire Troll Mauler
- Change Cost to 13.
Trollkin Runebearer
- Add Guidance.
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes
- Stone Bearer gains Serenity.
Artificer General Nemo
- Electrify: Replace the first sentence of Electrify with the following, “Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +2 to its melee attack damage rolls, Resistance: Electricity, and Repulsor Field.”
Artificer Prime Nemo
- Electrify: Replace the first sentence of Electrify with the following, “Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +2 to its melee attack damage rolls, Resistance: Electricity, and Repulsor Field.”
Commander Adept Nemo
- Electrify: Replace the first sentence of Electrify with the following, “Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +2 to its melee attack damage rolls, Resistance: Electricity, and Repulsor Field.”
Dhunian Archon
- Threads of Life: Change the first sentence to the following, “Once per turn, when another friendly living non-Leader Faction warrior model within 10” of this model is hit by an attack, this model can suffer d3 damage points to use Threads of Life.”
Lord Azazello, The Castellan
- Storm Rager becomes Cost 2.
- Possession: Change the text of the first sentence to the following, “When this model hits an enemy non-Leader model with this weapon, take control of the enemy model.”
Mortenebra, Numen of Necrogenesis
- Goad: Change the text to the following, “Target Cohort model in this model's battlegroup immediately gains 1 focus point.”
Zevanna Agha, The Fate Keeper
- Windstorm: Change the text of the first sentence to the following, “When a friendly Faction model is targeted by a ranged attack while with 8” of this model, the attack suffers –3 RNG.”
Command Cards
Standard Command Card Rules
Blessing of the Gods
- Cost 0
- Play this card any time during your activation on one of your models. That model’s weapons gain Blessed and Damage Type: Magical this activation.
Break Through
- Cost 0
- Play this card any time during the activation of one of your models/units. Those models gain Unstoppable this activation.
Careful Reconnaissance
- Cost 0
- Play this card any time during the activation of one of your models/units. Those models gain Pathfinder this activation.
- Cost 0
- Play this card at the start of the game after turn order has been determined and standard terrain and objectives have been placed for the scenario, but before deploying models. If you are the first player, you can place up to two Defenses. If you are the second player, you can place up to three Defenses. If both players play the Defenses Command Card, take turns placing Defenses starting with the second player. A player can only place Defenses within 24" of the rear edge of their Deployment Zone. Additionally, Defenses cannot be placed at the start of the game within 3" of an objective, obstruction, obstacle, or another Defense terrain feature.
Duck and Cover!
- Cost 0
- Play this card at any time during the activation of one of your warrior units. Those models gain cover and Resistance: Blast for one round.
Hit & Run
- Cost 0
- Play this card any time during the activation of one of your models. That model gains Reposition [3"] this activation. (At the end of a model/unit with Reposition [3"]’s activation in which it did not run or fail a charge, it can advance up to 3", then its activation ends.)
Lucky Penny
- Cost 0
- Play this card at the start of a friendly model’s activation to give that model one corpse token, essence point, focus point, fury point, rage token, or soul token.
Old Faithful
- Cost 0
- Play this card during your Control Phase before allocating focus. Remove d3+1 damage from a friendly Cohort model or battle engine in your army.
Put the Fires Out
- Cost 0
- Play this card at the start of your Maintenance Phase on one of your model/units. If the affected models were knocked down, they stand up. If the affected models were stationary, the stationary status expires. If the affected models were suffering continuous or shakable effects, like Blind or Shadow Bind, those effects expire.
- Cost 0
- Play this card at any time during your turn. Immediately remove a Defense from the table.
Command Cards by Prime Army
Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders
Command Card Slots: 5
Preset Command Cards:
- Blessing of the Gods
- Break Through
- Careful Reconnaissance
- Lucky Penny
- Put the Fires Out
Additional Command Card options available to the army:
- Defenses
- Duck and Cover!
- Hit & Run
- Old Faithful
- Sapper
Dusk House Kallyss
Command Card Slots: 5
Preset Command Cards:
- Careful Reconnaissance
- Duck and Cover!
- Hit & Run
- Lucky Penny
- Old Faithful
Additional Command Card options available to the army:
- Blessing of the Gods
- Break Through
- Defenses
- Put the Fires Out
- Sapper
Cryx Necrofactorium
Command Card Slots: 5
Preset Command Cards:
- Break Through
- Hit & Run
- Lucky Penny
- Old Faithful
- Put the Fires Out
Additional Command Card options available to the army:
- Blessing of the Gods
- Careful Reconnaissance
- Defenses
- Duck and Cover!
- Sapper
Orgoth Sea Raiders
Command Card Slots: 5
Preset Command Cards:
- Blessing of the Gods
- Break Through
- Careful Reconnaissance
- Lucky Penny
- Old Faithful
Additional Command Card options available to the army:
- Defenses
- Duck and Cover!
- Hit & Run
- Put the Fires Out
- Sapper
Khymaera Shadowflame Shard
Command Card Slots: 5
Preset Command Cards:
- Blessing of the Gods
- Break Through
- Hit n' Run
- Lucky Penny
- Put the Fires Out
Additional Command Card options available to the army:
- Defenses
- Duck and Cover!
- Old Faithful
- Sapper
Cygnar Storm Legion
Command Card Slots: 5
Preset Command Cards:
- Blessing of the Gods
- Careful Reconnaissance
- Lucky Penny
- Old Faithful
- Put the Fires Out
Additional Command Card options available to the army:
- Break Through
- Defenses
- Duck and Cover!
- Hit & Run
- Sapper
Khador Winter Korps
Command Card Slots: 5
Preset Command Cards:
- Blessing of the Gods
- Careful Reconnaissance
- For the Motherland! (see below)
- Lucky Penny
- Old Faithful
Additional Command Card options available to the army:
- Break Through
- Defenses
- Duck and Cover!
- Hit & Run
- Put the Fires Out
- Sapper
New Command Card Description
For the Motherland
Cost 0
Play this card any time during the activation of one of your warrior models/units. Those models gain Tough for one round.
Command Cards by Army of Legend and Legacy Army
Default Cards for Armies of Legend
- Warcaster-led armies will share the same lists with some exceptions (listed below).
- Warlock-led armies will share the same lists with some exception (listed below).
Warcaster-Led Armies
Command Card Slots: 5
Preset Command Cards:
- Blessing of the Gods
- Careful Reconnaissance
- Lucky Penny
- Old Faithful
- Put the Fires Out
Additional Command Card options available to the army:
- Break Through
- Defenses
- Duck and Cover!
- Hit & Run
- Sapper
Warlock-Led Armies*
*Non-Grymkin, see below
Command Card Slots: 5
Preset Command Cards:
- Blessing of the Gods
- Break Through
- Careful Reconnaissance
- Lucky Penny
- Put the Fires Out
Additional Command Card options available to the army:
- Defenses
- Duck and Cover!
- Hit & Run
- Old Faithful
- Sapper
Specific Changes by Army of Legend
Circle Orboros Devourer’s Host
- Replace Careful Reconnaissance with Hit & Run on the preset list because virtually this entire army has Pathfinder.
Circle Orboros Secret Dominion
- Replace Careful Reconnaissance with Hit & Run as a preset for this army because virtually this entire army has Pathfinder.
Retribution of Scyrah Legions of Dawn
- Replace Blessing of the Gods with Break Through as a preset for this army.
Retribution of Scyrah Shadows of the Retribution
- Replace Blessing of the Gods with Hit & Run as a preset in this army.
Grymkin Command Cards
Command Card Slots: 7
Preset Command Cards:
- Blessing of the Gods
- Break Through
- Careful Reconnaissance
- Lucky Penny
- Put the Fires Out
- Sacrifice (see below)
- Shroud (see below)
Additional Command Card options available to the army:
- Accursed (see below)
- Defenses
- Duck and Cover!
- Fortune’s Path (see below)
- Hit & Run
- Ill Omens (see below)
- Labyrinth (see below)
- Old Faithful
- Ruin (see below)
- Sapper
New Command Card Descriptions
Accursed (Grymkin only)
- Cost 0
- Play this card on a friendly Grymkin warlock when a friendly Grymkin model with a corpse token is damaged by an enemy attack. While in the Grymkin warlock’s control range, enemy models lose Incorporeal, Tough, and Undead, and cannot have damage removed from them. Additionally, enemy non-warbeast models lose Construct while in the Grymkin warlock’s control range. If your Leader is the King of Nothing, friendly models also gain Blessed. Accursed lasts for one round.
Fortune’s Path (Grymkin only)
- Cost 0
- Play this card when an enemy model misses a friendly Grymkin model with an attack. For one round, friendly Grymkin models gain +1 to attack and damage rolls. If your Leader is the Heretic, increase this bonus to +2.
Ill Omens (Grymkin only)
- Cost 0
- Play this card when an enemy model destroys one or more friendly Grymkin warrior models with an attack. For one round, enemy models suffer –1 to attack and damage rolls. If your Leader is the Dreamer, models in her battlegroup also gain Dodge for one round. (A model with Dodge can advance up to 2" immediately after an enemy attack that missed it is resolved.)
Labyrinth (Grymkin only)
- Cost 0
- Play this card on a friendly Grymkin warlock when an enemy model advances and ends its movement in the warlock’s control range. For one round, enemy models beginning their activations in the warlock’s control range suffer –2 SPD that activation. If your Leader is the Wanderer, you can also immediately place one model in his battlegroup completely within 1" of its current location for each road marker in play.
Ruin (Grymkin only)
- Cost 0
- Play this card when an enemy model casts a spell while in a friendly Grymkin warlock’s control range. The spell does not take effect, but it is still considered to be cast and its COST remains spent. Additionally, all enemy upkeep spells in the Grymkin warlock’s control range expire. If your Leader is the Child, she gains ARC +1 for one round.
Sacrifice (Grymkin only)
- Cost 0
- Play this card when a friendly Grymkin warlock is damaged by an enemy attack. After the attack is resolved, remove all damage from friendly Grymkin model’s in the warlock’s control range.
Shroud (Grymkin only)
- Cost 0
- Play this card on a friendly Grymkin warlock when a friendly Grymkin model is destroyed by an enemy ranged attack. For one round, friendly Grymkin models gain Stealth while in the warlock’s control range.
Specific Changes by Legacy Army
Legacy Circle Orboros
Replace Careful Reconnaissance with Hit & Run as a preset in this army.
Legacy Retribution
Replace Blessing of the Gods with Hit & Run as a preset in this army.
That concludes the 2025 Balance Update! And for those who made it this far, here's a sneak preview of the Gravediggers army symbol...