Brine, Blood, and Bilgewater | Warmachine Wednesday

Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
This week’s update for subscribers is a brand-new installment of Brine, Blood, and Bilgewater. This time’s triptych of tales—“The Unkillable Meets the Undying,” “From Alchiere with Fire,” and “Fortune Favors the Foul”—follows the trail of a particularly vile and nasty Orgoth artifact as it trades hands multiple times, every time getting closer to a destiny that was not one foretold…
“No, Braghen Ragemonger, I will not give you what you seek,” Scyrafael said. “But I will give you a task, one you must remain among the living to complete.”
She nodded at one of the elven warriors nearby, and the Iosan disappeared into the hold. He returned minutes later holding an object swaddled in cloth and leather, his undead features pinched in obvious pain. He laid the bundle at Braghen’s feet.
“We found this in the hold of one of the Orgoth ships,” Scyrafael said. “It is an artifact of terrible power. A weapon that can be used against those who have, shall we say, forsaken mortality.”
Braghen picked up the bundle, unwrapped it, and saw a small obelisk of black stone, perhaps three feet in length, its surface carved with blood-red runes that seemed to swirl and writhe of their own accord. It made him feel seasick to look at it. He covered it again. “What is it?”
“A key, “Scyrafael said, “to a door that must never be opened.’
“What must I do with it?” Braghen asked, trying to reconcile the strange and abrupt turn of events.
“Take it with you. When you reach the Meredius, cast it into the ocean, so that it might never be found. That is what I require of you. That is your penance. Do this, and perhaps someday I will call you ally.”
And finally, we have no changes at all to the app this week, so that’s it for now! Tune in next week for even more subscriber-only content!
Change Log for October 23, 2024
- Brine, Blood, and Bilgewater: New entry added to subscriber library
- None
- None
- None