Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
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This week’s update for subscribers is the latest Heroes & Villains from Jason Soles. This time around, the horrifying necrotech Eviscerus, whose long and storied history are mere prologue to the havoc he will inevitably wreak…
Among the most ancient of Cryx’s necrotechs, Discerptor Eviscerus has been prowling the byways and crossroads of Immoren since before even the baptismal fires of the Iron Kingdoms had cooled. As a discerptor, his role is to scavenge new technologies and technological advances from the ruins and battlefields of the continent. In the pursuit of this mission, Eviscerus has tirelessly trekked across the width and length of Immoren countless times uncovering the remnants of lost civilizations, sites of catastrophic conflict, and burial grounds teeming with the abandoned bones of the fallen. His long vigil has marked the most consistent presence Cryx has maintained on the mainland since its foundation.
In mortal life….
-Heroes & Villains—Discerptor Eviscerus: Added to subscriber libraryADDITIONS
-Core Rules: Add the following paragraph to the Unit Charging section: “If the charging model did not fail its charge and cannot make its first melee attack against the charge target, the charging model can make its first melee attack against another eligible target. In that case, its first melee attack damage roll is not automatically boosted.”And that’s it for this week. Tune in next week for even more subscriber-only content!