Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
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This week’s update for subscribers is the second part of Waking the Dead by Aeryn Rudel. In “Part Two—Spirits of the Deep,” the Cryxian forces bear down on the Rhulfolk…
The greenish glow of necromechanika furnaces guided Nekane’s way through the Rhulic mines. Again, she was thankful that the dwarves were so dependent on steamjacks for their mining operations. The shaft they followed was broad and tall, allowing Hades to pass through without having to slow its pace.
They passed more evidence of a hasty retreat by the dwarves. Valuable equipment abandoned, weapons and armor still on racks, and even a pair of inert laborjacks left behind.
Finally, they came upon more direct evidence of why the Rhulfolk had fled. The mineshaft they followed ended in the remnants of a battle. A pair of Rhulic warjacks, both of the type they had battled near the mine’s entrance, lay smashed and ruined next to what appeared to be an ancillary shaft branching off the main one.
“Spread out. Look for bodies,” Nekane commanded. She ordered Hades to stay put and face back the way they’d come. She would see any enemies coming up from behind them through the helljack’s eyes while she searched with her own.
There was blood on the ground in slowly congealing pools, puddles of hydraulic fluid from the wrecked warjacks, and a viscous blue-green substance that was neither blood nor any mechanical fluid Nekane recognized. A large smear of the stuff indicated something big had been dragged away and through the new passage.
“Wraithbinder,” Chatterbane said, motioning her over to one of the wrecked warjacks with a waving, blade-tipped appendage.
Nekane joined the necrotech. Together, they stared down at a corpse half-crushed by ten tons of Rhulic warjack.
It was humanoid, perhaps even human at one time, but it had been clearly and considerably altered. A thick bronze helmet obscured its entire head and was affixed to its body in a way that suggested permanence, as if it were a piece of the creature rather than worn armor. Its flesh was grayish in hue, though not the corpse-like shade of undeath, and its body was hugely muscled, grotesquely so, well beyond whatever the creature might have been able to attain in its natural state. Both its limbs ended in heavy bronze caps—one fitted with a claw-like device and the other with a rotating saw blade.
The creature reminded Nekane of her mechanithralls, and though the creators of this thing had arrived at a similar destination, they had taken a wildly different path to get there.
“A cephalyx drudge,” Chatterbane said. “No wonder the dwarves were fleeing.”
And then, here are this week’s corrections to the app:
Alexia, Queen of the Damned: Wages of Death now reads “When this model makes an attack or damage roll, it can suffer 1 damage point to reroll the roll. Each attack or damage roll can be rerolled only once as a result of Wages of Death.”
Bethayne, Pride of Everblight: Breath of Corruption now triggers on hit
Dominar Rasheth: Breath of Corruption now triggers on hit
Iron Lich Asphyxious: Breath of Corruption now triggers on hit
Omodamos, The Black Gate: Breath of Corruption now triggers on hit
Steamroller 2024: Made to Haul wording corrected to Advance
And that’s it for this week. Tune in next week for even more subscriber-only content!