Cryx Necrofactorium Core Expansion Rules – Prep for Surgery | Warmachine

Utterly devoid of any respect for life, the Cryx use their unholy engines of war to create abominations bred to overrun even the most seasoned of armies. By molding together flesh and steel, the Necrotecs of the Nightmare Empire have perfected the meaning of swarm tactics.
Led by Master Necrosurgeon Sepsira, the Core Expansion for the Necrofactorium provides not only a healthy start to your very own thrall swarm, but also the tools to keep your unstoppable ranks of the dead rising again and again.
Alone, a Mechanithrall might not seem like much of a threat. Cheap and numerous as they are, an opponent will quickly find themselves outnumbered. With an impressive Field Allowance of six and a low cost of six points per unit, the field of battle will quickly become choked with bodies. Combine that with Gang and suddenly each Mechanithrall’s attacks start to hit harder than you expect.
And when one thrall falls, the rest just dive in harder. Vengeance punishes anyone who would try and thin the number of bodies coming their way, making the unit faster than speed 6 might otherwise let on.
Worried your opponents will carve out whole units from your swarm, making it impossible to trigger Vengeance? The Skarlock Lieutenant gives each of your many, many Mechanithralls Shield Guard. Spread out the gunfire across all your units to make sure each gets to benefit from Vengeance, or keep one last model alive to ensure the swarm fights on through abilities like Grim Returns.
Backing up this horde of bodies, the Neurosurgeons themselves lend support to both the thralls and the Cryxian Warjacks. Necrosurgeon Initiates never lack work on the field—either returning fallen Mechanithralls to the fight, or Empowering the Warjacks under their Warcaster’s control. These flexible tools make sure your swarm can take a beating, and keep your host of deadly machines operating at peak efficiency.
The Master Necrosurgeon herself stitches the use of swarm tactics and Heavy Warjacks together. Sepsira gives each of her Cohort models in her battlegroup Gang Fighter: even in the odd case that only one Mechanithrall survives to make it to the enemy line, the Cryxian ‘jacks can finish the job with the boosted accuracy and damage she provides.
For her infantry, she’s got a plethora of battle plans to make sure her horde of thralls aren't blocking each other or other models. And if all this still isn't enough Mechanithrall for you, Sepsira can drop her own unit in addition to the six you might already be bringing. Live your best un-life, burying your opponent in teeming legions of rotting flesh and rusting steel!
Lastly, it’s the ghost in the machine. The Machine Wraith Dominator’s Incorporeal visage haunts objectives as a hard target to strike at without magical weapons. Its Mechano-Claw’s Dark Domination ability lets its spirit override the Cortex of an enemy ‘jack, and temporarily take over the machine to wreak havoc in your opponent’s lines.
With both synergy and sheer numbers, the Core Expansion for the Necrofactorium will help you dominate the battlefields of Immoren in the name of the Dragonfather—pre-orders for the Core Expansion are open here.
Want to know more about the Necrofactorium or Master Necrosurgeon Sepsira? Check out the Warmachine app—we add new lore and custom scenarios weekly, along with rules, list-building tools and more.

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