Next Stop: Ni no Kuni™ II Station | Festive Train 2020

Arriving December 30 at 12:00 UTC | Departing December 31 at 23:59 UTC
It's time to embark on a quest—a quest to build a bright new kingdom, and win the love of your people evermore!
That's right. We're visiting King Evan Tildrum in Evermore, where the helpful Higgledies have arranged a special deal on Ni no Kuni II: The Board Game just for you.

What is Ni no Kuni II: The Board Game?
Inspired by the Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom video game, Ni no Kuni II: The Board Game is a fun and cooperative kingdom-building game for 1-4 players. Go on quests, defeat the monsters standing in your way, and gather the resources you need to build a kingdom that will win the hearts of your people.
Read a Review

From the article:
"It's deceptive. In spite of cheerful artwork inspired by Studio Ghibli, it's an unforgiving experience. Strategic and brutal, the game's hidden depth is captivating."
"That's the game in a nutshell: choose a quest, defeat the enemy lurking there, and build locations to get points (known here as 'Influence'). Earn a set total and victory is yours. Like so many of the best board games, it's an easy system to get your head around."
Watch a Playthrough
Win a Copy of the Game
While we're in the Ni no Kuni station, you've got the chance to WIN a copy of Ni no Kuni™ II: The Board Game and build a beautiful kingdom to stand against the darkness.
(Eight to give away!)

The competition is live only as long as we're in the Ni no Kuni station. When we depart, the competition closes! So, you've got until 23:59 UK time on December 31 to enter.