Godtear Campaigns and Tournaments

In today’s post we’ll show you everything you need to know about Godtear Organised Play.
(And why it’s something you should be involved in.)
Specifically, we’ll be looking at:
How Godtear campaigns work
Where you can get the resources
How Godtear tournaments work
Where you can get the resources
Let’s get started.
(Want to skip the explanation and get straight to the resources? Here you go.)
Godtear Campaigns
First off:
Godtear campaigns aren’t about competition.
If you’re looking for competitive play, check out the Tournaments section below.
But if you’re interested in developing your champions and building a story?
Then this section is for you.
How Do Godtear Campaigns Work?
To embark on a campaign, each player brings a warband of their choice.
(Remember: a warband can include up to three champions.)
Using your warbands, you’ll then play a series of linked games.
These linked games form the basis of your campaign.
Depending on your preference, they can be played on a single day or over a period of time.
(Unless you’re playing a longform campaign, which definitely calls for multiple sessions!)
Campaign Location
Each game in your campaign will take place in an incredible part of the Godtear world.
To find out where your warband begins their story, you’ll be given a location card.
Sounds simple, right?
There’s a catch:
Another player in your campaign will be given a similar location card.
And, you guessed it — that player will be your first opponent!

Oh, and your location card doesn’t just determine where you start out.
It also shows you:
The scenario you’ll be playing in the game
A special rule
These special rules aren’t complicated, but they do force you to adapt and evaluate.
For example:
‘Recruitment Drive’ forces each player to recruit their followers at the end of each turn, so there will always be plenty of followers on the battlefield.

Location cards don’t just deliver special rules, though:
They can also alter game scenarios.
For example:

‘The Siege’ adds an attacker and defender element to a standard Life scenario.
Not only does this feature a new deployment; it actually modifies the starting point of each player’s warband token.
Levelling Up Your Champions
So, the first game is over...
...what happens next?
Well, first off, you’ll be given a card that sets the path to your next destination (and opponent!)
And depending on whether you won or lost the last game, you’ll be awarded godtears.
You can use these godtears to level up your champions.
Some of you will focus on building your favourite champion to godlike status.
(You know what they say: the path to ascension is paved with godtears.)
The more egalitarian amongst you will choose to distribute that power evenly across your warband.
Whichever route you take, your champions’ stats will increase as they gain power.
Their skills and traits will change, too.
In fact, they may even learn brand new skills.
Stats Upgrade
During the campaign, Nia can choose either a Chaos upgrade card or a Life upgrade card.
The first level upgrade on each upgrade card will change a champion’s stats.

Master of Chaos increases Nia’s dodge to 5, making her harder to hit.
However, this does come at the expense of 1 point of protection.
On the other hand, Master of Life increases Nia’s health to 7, making her more durable.

Skills Upgrade
The second level upgrade on each upgrade card will modify an existing skill or trait.
For example, the Life upgrade gives Nia a more powerful version of ‘Crystal Mirror’, which lets Nia copy a boon to multiple friendly models.
On the other hand, the Chaos upgrade changes Nia’s ‘Erosion’, letting her move enemies as well as reduce their protection.
New Skill
The final level upgrade on each upgrade card gives the champion a brand new skill that can be used in either game phase (unless the description says otherwise).
For example, the Chaos upgrade gives Nia ‘Rock and Roll’.
With it, she can move a friendly miniature up to 3 hexes in a straight line—so even her slowest allies can zip across the battlefield.
Alternatively, the Life upgrade gives Nia ‘Calcification’.
Using this skill, she can turn two Quartzlings into objective hexes to plant her banner on. Handy, right?
Want To Play A Godtear Campaign?
Then download the Broken Plains campaign to get started.
And keep an eye out:
We’l; be releasing more campaign packs in the future that explore other locations in the Godtear world.
Godtear Tournaments
If you like competition, this section is for you.
In fact:
Using the Godtear tournament rules, you can run your own competitive tournaments.
But before we dive in, here’s a quick note:
We designed Godtear tournaments to be beginner friendly.
Because Godtear is a brand new game, we wanted to make it easy for new players to join tournaments without needing to learn new rules.
If you want to skip ahead to the formal tournament document, you can find it here.
Choosing Your Champions
Just like campaign play, each player brings their own warband to a tournament.
However, unlike campaign play, tournament warbands can only include champions from the current tournament list.

Don’t worry. We’ll update the list as new champions are released, so that list will get longer!
To be clear:
At some point in the future, champions may be rotated on and off that list. However, right now, there won’t be any rotation.
But you’re probably wondering:
Why rotate champions in the first place?
The reason is to keep competitive play varied and engaging.
(Which is why champion rotation does not apply to campaign or casual play. Campaign and casual players can use whichever champions they choose.)
Rotations aren’t permanent and champions will come in and out of action.
But again, champion rotation won’t be introduced for a while.
So, How Do Godtear Tournaments Work?
Here’s how:
Participants play multiple rounds until an overall champion triumphs.
Before the tournament, the organiser will choose how long each round takes.
(We suggest longer rounds for newer players, and shorter rounds for more experienced players — see the tournament document for more info.)
Before each round, the tournament organiser chooses a random game scenario for participants to play.
And to keep things interesting, each scenario should only be played once.
Once the scenario is determined, each player secretly chooses 3 champions for their warband.
Then, players reveal their warbands and begin the game!
Should you find yourself losing and in need of a little luck, here’s a boon to help you out:
Any players that lose one or more rounds in a tournament may reroll all dice for a single roll in each of their subsequent games.
Check out the official tournament document to get started.