First Time on Kickstarter? Let This Be Your Guide | ELDEN RING: The Board Game

Welcome, Tarnished, to the beginning of your tabletop journey!
First time on Kickstarter? Unsure how it all works? Let this article be your guide…
Not sure what Kickstarter is, what it means to pledge, or what happens when the Kickstarter ends? Scroll to the FAQ section below.
Still have questions? You’ll find the Steamforged team active on the Kickstarter comments and in the ELDEN RING board game Facebook group, where you may ask whatever your heart desires…
How to Pledge for ELDEN RING: The Board Game
1. Choose a reward, or pledge level, from the right-hand side of the page.
Every pledge level includes a list of items you’ll get if you pledge at that level. You can find a full breakdown of all the pledge levels on the Kickstarter page, too.
2. Customise your pledge with any optional add-ons you’d like to buy
Some add-ons might already be included in your pledge, so be sure to check the reward description, unless you’d like extra copies. If you see any add-ons you want, click ‘Add’ to add them to your pledge. This will update your pledge total.
3. Click ‘Continue’, check the amount, and click ‘Pledge’.
Arise, ye Tarnished! Your journey begins here…
Kickstarter FAQ's
What is a pledge?
To support the ELDEN RING: The Board Game Kickstarter campaign and get the game, you ‘back’ or ‘pledge’ at one of the available levels. Every Kickstarter campaign offers different pledge levels that include different rewards.
ELDEN RING: The Board Game has three pledge levels: Entry, Core, and All-in. To see what’s included in each pledge level, visit the Kickstarter page.
As well as the pledge levels, there are optional add-ons, like expansions, which you can choose to ‘add’ to your pledge. The All-in Pledge is there for backers who want everything the Kickstarter has to offer, at a bundle discount.
What Happens After the Kickstarter?
Around 4-6 weeks after the campaign ends, you’ll get an email inviting you to the pledge manager, where you can manage your pledge.
Once you’ve accepted the invitation, you can confirm or upgrade your pledge level, confirm or add any add-ons, pay for shipping, and confirm your delivery address.
Shipping is charged after the campaign, based on your location.
Pledge managers are important systems used by board game Kickstarters to bridge the time between Kickstarter and delivery, giving us a way to easily manage pledges and addresses, and you a way to easily update your details and pledge.
Your accurate shipping cost will be calculated in the pledge manager after the Kickstarter ends. We won’t charge any additional VAT or sales tax in the pledge manager, and we cover duties and taxes for all ‘friendly shipping’ regions.

You’ll find more detail on this on the Kickstarter page in the ‘Shipping’ section’.
Backers in other regions will be liable for any VAT or sales taxes which might be applied in their own countries.
Either way, there will be no extra costs for VAT or sales tax charged by us in the pledge manager.
If you have any questions, you can find us in the comments section of the Kickstarter.
What is Kickstarter?
Kickstarter is a platform where you can support creative projects (by “backing” them) to help bring them to life. It’s a popular platform in the tabletop gaming space, and is a fantastic way to grow communities and connect backers and creators.
Is the Game Final?
Although most of the design and development is complete, one of the best things about Kickstarter is it allows us to listen to community feedback before everything is finalised. By backing ELDEN RING: The Board Game on Kickstarter, you can be part of that journey to the tabletop.
ELDEN RING: The Board Game is our 11th big-box Kickstarter campaign. We’ve even been awarded the ‘backer favourite’ badge.
What Are 'Add-ons'?
Add-ons are optional rewards you can choose to add to your pledge, like gameplay expansions, which add new gameplay content to your game.
Once you’ve chosen your pledge level (covered in ‘How to Pledge’ above), you can mix and match add-ons in the ‘Configure reward’ screen.
Or, if you want it all, just choose the All-in Pledge to get everything! And if you still want extras, you can also add add-ons to your All-in Pledge.
What Are ‘Kickstarter Exclusives’?
Anything marked as Kickstarter exclusive, or featuring the green Kickstarter exclusive badge, is an exclusive item for Kickstarter backers that won’t be available at general retail.
These items are included as an extra reward for backers who support the game at Kickstarter and, in doing so, help to bring it to life.
Steamforged retains the right to sell these in the pledge manager and on the Steamforged website, as well as during conventions and as part of special promotions. Because this content isn’t guaranteed to remain available, backing on Kickstarter is the best way to get it.
You’ll find more answers in the FAQ’s section on the Kickstarter page. For anything else, we’ll be active in the Kickstarter comments and Facebook group, so ask away!