Rundown on the Kalphite Queen Expansion

Hey, ‘Scapers! If you’re looking for the lowdown on the Kalphite Queen expansion for the RuneScape Kingdoms board game, you’re in the right place.
Osman the Spy Master
Among other things (which we’ll cover below), the Kalphite Queen Expansion will introduce an intriguing new NPC to your game. A master of deception, the video gamers among you will know Osman — if it even is Osman under that hood — as the spy master of Al Kharid.
This cool character keeps his cards close to his chest, and we doubt he’d take kindly to us delving into his business. So, let’s move right on to where you’ll find him — or not — in RuneScape Kingdoms…
Where’s Osman?
“Is my board game lying to me?” probably isn’t a question you ever expected to ask. But when you play the Kalphite Queen campaign, the sense that something is amiss will only get stronger with each card you draw.
With whispers carried on desert winds, you may feel the truth has… well, deserted you.
Like Bob the Cat in the King Black Dragon Expansion, Osman has a critical role to play in the Kalphite Queen campaign. He and his spy ring have spun a sticky web of information, and it’s your job to unpick and unstick it!
During your campaign, you’ll need to put your heads together to decipher what’s really going on. Oh, and you’ll need to track Osman down, too. But this savvy character is skilled in subterfuge and likely to give you the slip. He might even leave someone else in his place…
New Summoning Skill!
The Kalphite Queen Expansion also introduces the brand new Summoning skill. Not just for the Kalphite Queen campaign, but for your entire game!
Now, let’s see what we can dig up on why Summoning is a handy skill to have.
Why Summoning?
Before we dive in, let’s address the mammoth in the room. Right now, some of you are probably wondering, “Of all the skills in the RuneScape and Old School RuneScape video games, why Summoning?”
Which makes sense, because Summoning isn’t actually an Old School RuneScape skill. It was, however, added to the game very soon after the August 2007 archive of RuneScape was created, which would eventually become Old School RuneScape. And elements of what would have been the OSRS Summoning skill have since been repurposed in Old School RuneScape.
So, if you squint a little and tilt your head to the left, it is sort of in both video games. Either way, we’re sure it’ll come in very useful in your tabletop games. Especially in the Kalphite Queen campaign.
Summoning Skill in RuneScape Kingdoms
With the Summoning skill, you can call familiars from an unearthly plane to help you succeed in a variety of skill tests. Different familiars can help you with different tests. (Even spirits have their strengths!)
Let’s say you need to intimidate some barbarians in Falador by proving yourself in ranged combat, but your ranged skill level is on the low side. By using your Summoning skill instead, you can call on a Steel Titan to take care of the ranged test for you.
So, instead of relying on your ranged skill level to succeed, you’ve subbed your Summoning skill in as a proxy. Clever!
Now, some might say it’s unethical to disturb spirits to make your own life easier. To them, we say, “What could be more important than me impressing these barbarians? The fate of Gielinor (probably) depends on it!”
To summon a familiar, you’ll need to use Summoning scrolls, which you can get by visiting places with obelisks, like Taverley. The higher your Summoning skill level, the more scrolls you’ll get.
You’ll also spend your Summoning scrolls each time a familiar helps you with a skill test. Once you’ve used up all your scrolls, your familiar will disappear. So, if you want more help, you’ll need to summon them again.
Summoning in the Kalphite Queen Expansion
Summoning isn’t just a proxy skill. There are some tests in the board game that specifically call for a skilled summoner, which could be your time to shine!
Look out for Summoning skill tests on the new exploration cards in the Kalphite Queen Expansion. There’s a good chance you’ll need at least one group member to be good at Summoning, if you want to stand a chance of success. (Hint, hint.)
The Kalphite Queen
Last but not least, we have the boss. When you set foot in tabletop Al Kharid, sooner or later you’ll come face-to-mandible with the Kalphite Queen!
Think you know what to expect? Think again. First off, the Kalphite Queen campaign is a brand new quest storyline created especially for the board game. So even if you’ve played the video games, you’ll be treading new ground.
And secondly, the campaign itself is designed to keep you on your toes. Not only will Osman and his spy ring keep you guessing with their deception, but the Kalphite Queen has some surprises of her own.
There must be something in the Al Kharidian air, because we’re feeling the need to keep some secrets. Still, it wouldn’t be fair to leave you totally unprepared.
Instead, we’ll leave you with these clues:
- When you do face the Queen, depending on the choices you make, it might not be in the place you’d expect.
- Getting too big for your boots? The Kalphite Queen will keep you grounded. Don’t be surprised if her behaviour suddenly changes, forcing you to adapt your strategy on the fly!
- Insects don’t usually handle threats alone. Especially not Queens.
- Poison can be your biggest threat or your best weapon — depending on whether you’ve been paying attention in your travels through Al Kharid…
Al Kharid - New Board Game Location!
One thing definitely isn’t a secret: as well as a new campaign, side quests, enemies, weapons, and equipment, the Kalphite Queen Expansion also adds a whole new location to your board game!
A desert city popular with power miners because it’s rich with ore, Al Kharid is where you’ll attempt to untangle the web of Osman’s spy ring before facing the Queen herself.
Osman isn’t the only NPC you’ll encounter in Al Kharid, either. The expansion comes with a brand new Al Kharid exploration deck, so keep an eye on the cards for other familiar faces!
How to Get the Kalphite Queen Expansion
If you’re ready to take your ‘scaping to the next level, the RuneScape Kingdoms: Kalphite Queen is available here. Packed with new side quests, vault cards and events, the Kalphite Queen expansion is sure to expand your RuneScape Kingdoms universe!
Got questions, comments, or photos to share? Then join the Steamforged Discord or RuneScape Kingdoms Facebook group to hang out with us and other RuneScape Kingdoms fans!
Please note that a copy of RuneScape Kingdoms: Shadow of Elvarg is required to use this expansion.