Out Now! DARK SOULS™ RPG Minis Wave 2

Check out the full range here.
Take your RPG Adventures up a Notch
You’ve just battled your way through a horde of formidable warriors. Bloodstained and weary, you ready yourself for the challenge ahead: a confrontation with the brutish Asylum Demon. And what do you see on the table in front of you?
Instead of an imposing boss mini glaring back at you, it’s… A salt shaker. Another one. That’s on top of the pile of defeated Hollows (well, coins and bits of string) that you’ve valiantly fought through.
Takes you out of the moment a bit, doesn’t it?
Well, we’ve got just the thing for you: more of our incredible DARK SOULS™ roleplaying minis sets.
5 new sets to be precise:
- The Steadfast and the Hollow, with 2 Sentinels, 2 Hollow Soldiers, and 2 stat cards
- Alonne Knights, with 2 Alonne Bow Knights, 2 Alonne Sword Knights, and 2 stat cards
- Dread Knights of Renown, with 1 Boreal Outrider Knight, 1 Winged Knight, and 2 stat cards
- Protector of the Asylum, with 1 large Asylum Demon mini (110mm base) and a stat card
- Captains and Warriors, with 1 Alonne Knight Captain, 1 Ironclad Warrior, and 2 stat cards
Whether you’re tired of your tableware having to double up for vile monsters of the abyss, or the theatre of the mind just isn’t cutting it for you anymore, these minis provide the ideal alternative.
Detailed Minis from the DARK SOULS™ Universe
These new sets of fully-licenced minis contain a range of powerful foes from the DARK SOULS™ video game franchise.
You’ll see representatives from all three DARK SOULS™ games in these sets, from your typical cannon fodder, Hollow Soldiers, all the way up to the fearsome Asylum Demon, appearing in the original DARK SOULS™ game.
If you’re looking to expand your collection of licensed DARK SOULS™ gear, look no further! Every set contains highly-detailed minis ready to paint or play right out of the box.
Enhance your Adventures in Lothric
All these monsters are designed to enhance your DARK SOULS™: The Roleplaying Game campaigns.
(If you haven’t picked up your copy yet, pre-order a physical edition on the Steamforged webstore, or seize a digital edition with Drive-Thru RPG).
This lavishly-illustrated, hardback rulebook features a complete, standalone ruleset and fully-realised campaign setting in the ruinous DARK SOULS™ universe. The use of our awesome RPG minis allows you to more fully engage with the RPG’s unique tactical combat based, carefully monitoring your Position (a combination of health and stamina) to ensure you don’t overcommit yourself! Miniatures are perfect for helping bring the battlefield alive…though they won’t help your characters stay that way.
Spice up ANY Fantasy RPG Campaign
You’re not limited to using your minis in DARK SOULS™ campaigns. As each set contains 5th Edition-compatible stat cards, the minis can be used in any RPG encounter.
Need a suitably imposing demon mini for a tantalising boss encounter? Check out Protector of the Asylum. Maybe you’re running a campaign based in a haunted castle, and the Alonne Knights set would fit in perfectly.
Whether they’re painted and displayed as the soul of your collection, or turning heads on the battlefield, these DARK SOULS™ roleplaying minis are a must-have for series fans and collectors alike.
Check out our full range of DARK SOULS™ games and expansions on our webstore: