Painting Contest Winners | Godtear

Last Month’s Godtear Painting Competition was one for the books.
We asked you to paint any Champion, submit it to us, and then undergo the rigours of the popular vote!
Four entries were chosen, by you, to win an alternate sculpt ‘Death’ Rangosh.
Those winners are:
Shinji - Rhodri Ironheart, Thane of the Forsaken Holds

Ashley - Rattlebone, Prophet of the Ascended Past

Nico - Grimgut, the Vile

Eric - Rangosh, Scourge of the Broken Plains

Then we randomly drew one last entry, who will also receive an alternate sculpt ‘Death’ Rangosh.
That winner is:
Ben - Grimgut, the Vile

Winners have been contacted via email by our Community Manager, Jamie Giblin.
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