Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly Warmachine update!
Today’s TL’DR:
Captain Buck Hasker prepares for battle as the featured warcaster in the upcoming Cygnar Gravediggers Command Starter, coming soon to pre-order (subscribe to the newsletter for updates)
Australia, New Zealand, and more can now order direct from Steamforged (right here, in fact)
Run the gauntlet — the application form to run a 2025 Iron Gauntlet Qualifier is now live
Captain Buck Hasker – Cygnar Gravediggers
The Gravediggers sit at the pinnacle of military initiative. Coupling new technologies with their impressive legacy, this formidable fighting force is one of the first with enough guts to parachute from skyships into battle.
Coming soon to pre-order, the Gravediggers Command Starter will be the first of two releases for this formidable new Trenchers army and their unprecedented airdrop tactics. In it, Captain Buck Hasker leads the charge.
A relentless predator, Hasker was among the first warcasters to be recruited into the Gravediggers. There’s nowhere he won’t lead his forces, and no action he won’t take to bring victory against the Orgoth.
So much so that the Orgoth call him “Hulvuulk-Vakuul” — the Blade that Never Sleeps. Hasker lives at the vanguard of the Cygnaran line, appearing without warning to strike wherever he’s most needed, or to lead his commandos into enemy territory, sowing chaos and confusion in his wake.
For the Orgoth, Hasker represents an uncomfortable and even unprincipled threat, willing to deliver death through a knife in the back to achieve his ends.
But this warcaster isn’t reckless, or without principles. He fights to defend his nation against the aggression of its enemies. He’s ruthless, but doesn’t seek glory. This leader fights for his people, and the three younger brothers he’s devoted to protecting.
And despite the savagery Hasker summons to take lives, he keenly feels each loss. Without the focus of a mission, his thoughts keep company with ghosts quieted only by drink.
Encounter him on the field, and you’ll see every movement is precise and controlled — even in the heat of combat. This control extends even to his warjacks, which move with silent, preternatural purpose, as if they were extensions of his own body.
Such careful and complete control comes naturally to Hasker, where any other warcaster would need to focus to achieve the same result. It seems he’s as capable of inspiring the machines he controls as he is the soldiers who follow him.
Intrigued? To read more about Buck Hasker, check out this week’s “Heroes & Villains” subscriber content release in the Warmachine app, where subscribers get access to a wealth of stories and background on the characters and events of the Iron Kingdoms.
Just look for the Heroes & Villains section of the Library to read all about Captain Buck Hasker.

For updates on the upcoming Cygnar Gravediggers army, sign up to the newsletter
Australia, New Zealand and more can now order direct
We’re super excited to announce players based in Australia and New Zealand can now order the entire Warmachine range direct from our store, with free shipping on orders over $200 USD!
You can also now order Warmachine from our store if you’re based in Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, or Hong Kong!
We want to see as many people as possible playing Warmachine, so whether you're playing at your local store or at home, remember to share your photos, batreps, and painted minis in the Warmachine Community group and Discord.
Apply to run a 2025 Iron Gauntlet Qualifier

Throughout 2025, community champions around the world will run qualifiers in which Warmachine players will fight epic battles for glory, prizes, and the chance to compete in the prestigious Iron Gauntlet final.
If you’re interested in running an Iron Gauntlet Qualifier, now’s the time to apply!
We’ll have the full program and sanctioning system live from AdeptiCon 2025, but you can get your application in now by filling out this form.

Download the Warmachine app for the latest lore, model stats and abilities, list-building tools, and more!