Wednesday Preview - Get ready for Gravediggers | Warmachine Wednesday

February 19, 2025
Wednesday Preview - Get ready for Gravediggers | Warmachine Wednesday - Steamforged Games
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It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for your weekly Warmachine update!

Today’s TL’DR:

  • First look at the upcoming Gravediggers Command Starter, your ticket to 30-point Trencher battles
  • New subscriber gameplay scenario made for doubles ♥️
  • Lylyth releases tomorrow!
  • Shadows & Scum pre-order is open

Gravediggers Command Starter preview

Look to the skies… with the pre-order launching next week, ready for release at AdeptiCon, we’re airdropping an early preview of the upcoming Cygnar Gravediggers Command Starter!

Available to pre-order from next week, the Gravediggers Command Starter gives you a formidable 30-point force for playing smaller-scale games. If you’re thinking of going in on Gravediggers — or dipping your toe into Warmachine for the first time — this Command Starter is a great first pick.

Got a friend who’s also thinking about getting into Warmachine? Check out Shadows & Scum, the two-player set up for pre-order now

Last week’s Wednesday update came with a hefty dose of Captain Buck Hasker, warcaster for the Command Starter. A Trencher through-and-through, Hasker excels in stealth, setting a minefield of traps to explosively dispatch enemies. But what about his crew?

Plugger cuts down swathes of infantry with its Storm Cannon, switching to volume fire to plug holes in larger targets. Deceptively mobile for its size, Plugger capitalises on every takedown by pressing the attack before retreating to safety. 

Supported by the formidable Rowdies and Ramjaw, each with their own impressive skills, Hasker’s force is one to be reckoned with.

To check out their full rules, download the free Warmachine app and head to ‘Cards’. 

To get notified about this and future releases, sign up to the newsletter and select ‘Warmachine’. 

New doubles gameplay scenario

Warmachine app subscribers get a new, seasonal gameplay scenario! For all you lovers out there (you know who you are, even as you hide behind a butt-kicking army), we present “Two Hearts That Beat as One”.

Those two hearts have but a single thought: destroy! The scenario uses the Duos format pioneered in the “For the Date Night” scenario. The Duos format allows you to build forces using not one, but two Leaders.

Everything else about force building remains the same: each Leader must have at least one Cohort model in their battlegroup, you must take five Command Cards, etc.

For the most part, gameplay remains the same as well, only now you’ll be managing two Leaders during each phase of your turns. However, Leaders can only allocate focus or reave fury from Cohort models in their own battlegroup. And the biggest difference? When you lose one Leader, the game doesn’t end.

Wading into the fray with a two-Leader force shouldn’t be undertaken lightly. You’re doubling up the most complicated models in your force. And this is highly experimental — that is, untested in the current edition of Warmachine. The myriad combos that might be possible between any two Leaders remains to be discovered, and you’ll no doubt find some egregiously broken ones — as well as some matches made in heaven. But that’s the fun of it all!

Duos can also be a fantastic way to introduce someone new to Warmachine. In a Duos game, you can assign a small portion of a force, or even just a Leader and a single Cohort model, to a novice player, who can play alongside a more experienced player to learn the ropes.

Being able to shadow an ally while learning the game can be much more enjoyable than plunging directly into head-to-head combat. So, make it a double-date night, and team up with some new players to show them how it’s done!

Shadows & Scum pre-order

Friday’s stealth drop went down a treat, with waves of players flocking (or should that be swimming?) to pre-order Shadows & Scum ahead of its AdeptiCon release.

Made for two, this double-cadre set is the ideal starting point for a Khymaera or Southern Kriels army, and great for splitting with a friend. Get the details.

Lylyth, Raven Vengeance releases tomorrow

Speaking of Khymaera, time to pull your bow taught and prepare to let loose, because Lylyth, Raven Vengeance releases tomorrow!

This former Everblight disciple is back with a… well, vengeance, ready to lead your Khymaera Shadowflame Shard armies to victory.

Will you be fielding this winged warlock? Don’t forget to share your painted Lylyths in the community group and on Discord for a chance to feature in our #paintmachine spotlights.

Get the details on Lylyth

New in the App

Finally, here's the change log for what's new in the Warmachine app:


  • Battle Forge: “Two Hearts That Beat as One”


  • Captain Buck Hasker - Added to Gravediggers
  • The Rowdies - Added to Gravediggers
  • Plugger -Added to Gravediggers
  • Sergeant Brunaugh "Bruno" Ramjaw - Added to Gravediggers
  • Ammo Crate - Added to Gravediggers
  • Medical Crate - Added to Gravediggers


  • None


  • Algorithmic Dispersion Optifex: Iron Sentinel now reads: “While B2B with a friendly Faction Cohort model, this model gains +2 DEF and ARM and cannot become knocked down.”
  • Anastasia di Bray: Espionage now reads: “RNG 8. Target enemy Leader model. If the enemy Leader is in range, one friendly Faction model within 8" of this model can immediately advance 3".”
  • Captain Sam MacHorne: Iron Sentinel now reads: “While B2B with a friendly Faction Cohort model, this model gains +2 DEF and ARM and cannot become knocked down.”
  • Dirty Meg: Iron Sentinel now reads: “While B2B with a friendly Faction Cohort model, this model gains +2 DEF and ARM and cannot become knocked down.”
  • Druid Wilder: Arcane Support becomes Arcane Assist.
  • Field Mechaniks: While B2B with a friendly Faction Cohort model, this model gains +2 DEF and ARM and cannot become knocked down.
  • Madame Moriarty: Arcane Support becomes Arcane Assist.
  • Optifex Directive: While B2B with a friendly Faction Cohort model, this model gains +2 DEF and ARM and cannot become knocked down.
  • Raluk Moorclaw, the Ironmonger: While B2B with a friendly Faction Cohort model, this model gains +2 DEF and ARM and cannot become knocked down.
  • Rutger Shaw, Professional Adventurer: While B2B with a friendly Faction Cohort model, this model gains +2 DEF and ARM and cannot become knocked down.
  • Transverse Enumerator: While B2B with a friendly Faction Cohort model, this model gains +2 DEF and ARM and cannot become knocked down.
  • Vassal of Menoth: While B2B with a friendly Faction Cohort model, this model gains +2 DEF and ARM and cannot become knocked down.


Download the Warmachine app for the latest lore, model stats and abilities, list-building tools, and more!

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