Mastodon Returns, AdeptiCon Call & New SKS-6 Lore | Warmachine

Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly Warmachine update!
Today’s TL’DR:
- Mastodon back in the online store
- AdeptiCon Helpers!
- Update on Painting Requirements
- New SKS-6 Lore!
Mastodon is Now Ready for Deployment
The Mastodon Colossal is now back in stock and available in the online store!

AdeptiCon Helpers!

After the huge response to our AdeptiCon events (which meant we had to add even MORE events) we’re also on the lookout for some extra hands for our booth and to help run Warmachine demos!
We’re looking for people across all four days, as well as booth setup and teardown. We’ll provide accommodation, an hourly rate of $15 USD, and $50 USD credit for our online store per day worked.
If you’re interested and would like more details, please fill out this form and we’ll be in touch.
Painting Requirements
In last week’s Wednesday update, we shared a summary of the new painting requirements for Warmachine events introduced in this year’s Steamroller. The way the painting requirements were phrased in the update is different to how they’re written in the official Steamroller document.
To clarify, we do encourage fully painted armies, because Warmachine looks its absolute best when painted. Painting also helps your opponent recognize models on the table. However, whether painting is required for an event, and whether an army meets those requirements, is at the discretion of the Tournament Organizer.
For official Iron Gauntlet qualifiers being run by Steamforged Games, like the one at AdeptiCon, painted armies are required.
We’re not expecting everyone to be a Picasso-level painter. Three colors and some basing is good enough for us! For clarity, here’s the exact wording from Steamroller, page 10:
Steamforged Games encourages players to have a fully painted force on the table. Games with painted armies are more interesting to watch and generally enhance the experience for all. Although painted armies are not required, painting is encouraged to show off all aspects of the hobby.
Special events hosted by Steamforged Games and any officially supported or sanctioned events, such as Iron Gauntlet, may require painted models of at least a three-color minimum. This means that at least three distinct colors must be used on every model and that they should be applied in such
a way that doesn’t simply circumvent the rule. In addition to painting the model, basing is also required—either flock, basing paste, or other artful decoration. Tournament Organizers always have the final call on what meets these requirements.
Hopefully the above clarifies things and we’re sorry for the concern or confusion the initial update caused.
Subscriber Content: SKS-6 Compendium

This week’s update for subscribers is the latest compendium about the SKS-6 Command Cadre!
The Secret Kommand Service Six (SKS-6) is an elite Khadoran strike force, led by warcaster Kapitan Zahara Vilkul, specializing in clandestine operations to protect and advance the Empire's interests. You’ll find them in the Two Player Starter Set.
Here’s a sneak peek at today’s Subscriber’s content, the SKS-6 Compendium:
Secret Kommand Service Six (SKS-6) is a clandestine strike force in the employ of Khador’s nefarious secret intelligence service, Section 3. The strike force is made up of former Assault Kommando soldiers who were recruited under the leadership of the ruthless and brilliant warcaster Kapitan Zahara Vilkul following the disbanding of the service branch in 614 AR. Though SKS-6 answers directly to Section 3 instead of the High Kommand, its members are frequently deployed alongside the Winter Korps and the empire’s other military assets. Further, the service’s warjacks are still fabricated, maintained, and repaired by the Khadoran Mechaniks Assembly under a special arrangement with the High Kommand.
The soldiers serving as part of SKS-6 were handpicked by Vilkul, whom Assault Kommander Strakhov described as the finest soldier he ever trained. The strike force is also comprised of Razor, Vilkul’s customized Dire Wolf warjack, which was armed and equipped to her exact specifications; Sergeant Goran Lazarenko, also known as “the Jackal,” the team’s wily ’jack hunter and NCO; and the Hounds, a trio of heavily armed Kommando assassins. SKS-6 goes wherever directed, following any order without question. They are amongst the empire’s most skilled and efficient soldiers, capable of virtually any undertaking in the defense of the Motherland.
Aside from clandestine missions pursued during peacetime, before the arrival of the Orgoth, SKS-6’s most significant deployment was in support of Section 3 and the Winter Korps against the forces loyal to the Great Princes during the Troubles and against the rebellious Greylords after the resistance posed by the aristocracy had been crushed. Following the pacification of these malefactors and the restoration of order across the empire, SKS-6 was unleashed once more against Khador’s neighbors in support of Section 3’s missions abroad. Though technically such operations were in breach of treaties securing the peace among the Iron Kingdoms, SKS-6 took great pains to conceal their activities. As a result, they were never found out.
Now with the return of the invading Orgoth and an alliance against them spreading across the Iron Kingdoms, SKS-6 must remain as vigilant and careful in its actions as ever. While the strike team often acts in support of the Khadoran military and its allies against the invaders, they are still sometimes tasked with working against the other Iron Kingdoms in support of Khador’s interests. For example, they have been instructed to acquire Orgoth relics of significant power that were of interest to the Motherland’s arcanists, they have secretly raided Mercarian League warehouses in search of the rare minerals from Zu required in the manufacture of skyship sky drives, and they have aided in the escape of military prisoners awaiting trial in Llael. Though the hand of SKS-6 and Section 3 were suspected in these operations, the skill of the Kommandos and the lack of witnesses left behind to identify them always ensured the security and plausible deniability of the mission.
To read more, subscribe to the Warmachine app and head to the library.
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