February MiniCrate Reveal, P3 Grandmaster Returns, and more! | Warmachine

Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly Warmachine drop.
Today’s TL’DR:
More space space added to AdeptiCon Warmachine events
P3 Grandmaster painting competition returns
Last call: Salted Pork MiniCrate
Next month’s MiniCrate reveal
Hellslinger’s Compendium releases
More Space at AdeptiCon 2025 Events!
A special thanks to everyone who jumped on the waitlists for events at AdeptiCon 2025 last week. Your overwhelming interest has let AdeptiCon know we needed more space for Warmachine events, and we’ve secured it.
We’ve added additional capacity to almost every event over the weekend. However, even with this additional space, events are still selling out quickly.
Head over and register for AdeptiCon 2025 here and make sure you sign up for the event you want before the extra space runs out.
P3 Grandmaster Painting Competition Returns
Get your brushes and paints ready, the P3 Grandmaster Painting Competition will be back at AdeptiCon in 2025!
The competition will be open to any entries using miniatures from Steamforged Games, with no more than 8 miniatures in a single entry.
The judges will choose one entry to be awarded the prestigious title of P3 Grandmaster, and they’ll also be handing out gold, silver, and bronze prizes, too!
More details on prizing and the full official rules to follow in next week’s Warmachine Wednesday, so stay tuned.

Friendly reminder the Keynote presentation is a limited space event which means you’ll need a ticket to check it out.
This is our first ever Warmachine keynote, so make sure to grab your seat now before it’s too late. You don’t want to miss this!
BLT? Bacon Leaves Tuesday January 28th!
Time’s running out to secure your seafaring bacon buddy. Salted Pork is set to join the history pages of MiniCrate on January 28th.
Make sure to head over to the MiniCrate page to sign up today and secure this alternate Marauder Crew Bosun model from the Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders army. Let your opponents feel that squeal!
February MiniCrate Reveal - Major Thunder
Since we’re saying goodbye to Salted Pork, a new MiniCrate has to step up to take its place. Introducing Major Thunder!
If you’re wondering, “How can I possibly get more Odinesque lighting into my already fully-charged Cygnar Storm Legion lists?”, then have we got the model for you.
This alternate sculpt can be used to replace Major Anson Wolfe in any Warmachine game. Turn Thunderstruck all the way up and flash some style and lightning in your next game with this unique model.
New to Minicrate?
Getting into MiniCrate is simple. Here’s how you can sign up:
Head over to the MiniCrate page.
- Click on Subscribe Today
- Add to cart the current model
- Then simply checkout from your cart
- Enter your information for your MiniCrate subscription
- Now you’re ready to enjoy a MiniCrate subscription!
Subscriber Content: Hellslinger’s Compendium

This week’s update for subscribers is the latest compendium about the Hellslingers Command Cadre!
The Hellslingers Cadre are one of Cygnar’s finest shooting forces, led by Allister Caine himself. You’ll find them in the Two Player Starter Set.
Read the intro to their Compendium below:
The Hellslingers are a covert strike force of gun mage assassins in the employ of the Bolden Rebald, the scout general of the Cygnaran Reconnaissance Service. Led by the notorious warcaster Allister Caine, the Hellslingers are a direct successor to the Black 13th, the last of the Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest’s so-called Black Teams. The Hellslingers primarily serve the interests of Cygnar by hunting down and eliminating enemies of the state.
After some time spent on the run as wanted criminals, the Hellslingers were pressed into Rebald’s service as repayment for vital aid granted when they sought to highjack a Cygnaran skyship to rescue Caine’s daughter Cynthia Rosko from Cryx in 612 AR. They have spent the past ten years serving as Rebald’s attack dogs, conducting missions across the breadth of the Iron Kingdoms at the command of the CRS.
They are a small, tightknit team made up of Major Allister Caine, his custom warjack Deuce, Caine’s second-in-command Captain Bastian Falk, and the surviving members of the Black 13th: Lieutenant Darcey Ryan, Sergeant Samuel Watts, and Corporal Freddy Glover. The soldiers on the team are highly skilled and deadly fighters with years of combat experience both on and off the battlefield.
Accustomed to operating outside the law and beyond the standard military chain of command, the Hellslingers prefer to operate autonomously with only the barest assistance from the CRS. Expert gunfighters and arcanists, they can face nearly any obstacle and overcome it through a combination of martial prowess and sheer tenacity.
Though the Hellslingers have spent the past ten years conducting clandestine missions within the borders of Cygnar and beyond, the arrival of the Orgoth have pushed their activities out into the open. For the first time, the Hellslingers are increasingly deployed alongside Cygnar’s regular military forces, where they support the Storm Legion and Trenchers, especially the new Gravedigger Brigade, in the field. Capable of unleashing brutally effective arcane firepower despite the small size of their team, the Hellslingers have proven to be a powerful and unpredictable force multiplier in battle.
To read more, subscribe to the Warmachine app and head to the library.
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