First Look! Pledge Levels, Exclusives, Free Gift & More | Resident Evil: The Board Game

Survivors, take your first look at the pledge levels for Resident Evil: The Board Game!
Launching October 26 on Kickstarter, Resident Evil: The Board Game will open the doors of the Spencer Mansion and beckon you inside. (With Cerberus snapping at your heels, you might not have a choice.)
Within those walls, you and up to three others will transform into elite S.T.A.R.S. members with a purpose: To unravel the secrets of Umbrella’s sinister research, rescue your missing Bravo team members and, above all, survive the night.
Before we get to the pledge levels, brace yourself for the official trailer…
Really gets your heartbeat going, doesn’t it? Now, let’s take a look at what you came for — the pledge levels!
Bravo Pledge
Alpha Pledge
And that’s not all…
Exclusive Kickstarter Unlocks
As we covered in a previous post, the Resident Evil board game Kickstarter will be an open world campaign. Instead of traditional stretch goals based on funding total, there will be exploration goals unlocked each day based on the choices you make.
On top of those, we’ve got Advanced Characters to unlock, including alternate minis and new player character rules. Plus we’ll have a number of goals to unlock at funding, social, and backer milestones, too.
There’s plenty of goals to unlock, and we can’t wait to tread through those claustrophobic hallways with you...
But here’s the most important part:
Every goal unlocked during the Kickstarter campaign will be Kickstarter exclusive, and both pledge levels get every goal.
So, whether you're a Bravo or Alpha backer, you’ll get a tonne of extra, exclusive rewards added to your pledge just for supporting Resident Evil: The Board Game on Kickstarter!
Free Gift for Returning Backers

Last but not least, we wanted to do something to celebrate the awesome Resident Evil community and say “thank you” for your support in bringing this universe to the tabletop.
So, all returning Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 board game backers who back at Bravo or Alpha level will get an exclusive Rookie Rebecca Chambers mini added to their pledge for free!
Of course, we want to welcome new players, too, and give everyone a chance to get their hands on the mini. So, Rookie Rebecca will be included as a free gift in the Alpha Pledge, too.
Are You Ready to Enter the Mansion?
Resident Evil: The Board Game launches October 26 on Kickstarter, survivor.
Don’t miss your chance to leave your mark on the mansion. Hit ‘Notify Me’ on Kickstarter now to back when the campaign goes live, and start voting on which path we should take first…