Late Pledge for Monster Hunter World: The Board Game

October 05, 2021
Late Pledge for Monster Hunter World: The Board Game
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Missed the Kickstarter for Monster Hunter World: The Board Game?

You can still join the hunt!

By late pledging for Monster Hunter World: The Board Game in the Gamefound pledge manager, you can get all the content from the Kickstarter (including the exclusives).

But you'll need to be quick, because the pledge manager closes on August 31. So, head to Gamefound to late pledge now!

What is Gamefound?


Gamefound is an online pledge management system where you can, you guessed it, manage your pledge.

Pledge management systems, or 'pledge managers', are a common way for project creators (like us) to manage backer details once a Kickstarter is over. Other popular pledge managers you might have heard of are BackerKit and CrowdOx.

How Do Pledge Managers Work?

If you backed a project on Kickstarter, you'll usually get an email invitation to a pledge manager around 4 to 6 weeks after the campaign ends.

(It's a good idea to check the Kickstarter updates to find out which pledge manager the creator has decided to use, so you don't mistake the email for spam.)

Once you’re logged in to the pledge manager, you can:

  • Tell the creator what the money you pledged during the campaign was for (i.e. confirm your selected pledge level and any add-ons you chose during the campaign)

  • Change or upgrade your pledge level

  • Choose any more optional add-ons you’d like to buy

  • Confirm your shipping address and pay for shipping

What is a 'Late Pledge', And How Do They Work?

A 'late pledge' is a pledge made after a Kickstarter campaign is over.

Late pledges work in two ways:

Option one: Once a campaign ends, a creator will sometimes make late pledges available to buy from their online store. By buying a late pledge, you'll usually get access to the pledge manager when it opens (just check the product description to make sure). Once you get access the pledge manager, you'll need to confirm your details like a regular Kickstarter backer.

Option two: Once the pledge manager opens, it's usually possible to late pledge directly in the pledge manager instead of through an online store. Some pledge managers have a section specifically for late pledges.

Late pledging in a pledge manager works just like buying a product on an online store. Just choose what you'd like to get, confirm your details, and pay for shipping.

There's only one catch: When the pledge manager closes, so does your chance to late pledge!

Also, make sure to check the Kickstarter campaign for the estimated delivery date (and keep an eye on the campaign updates) so you know when to expect your pledge rewards.

Late Pledge for Monster Hunter World: The Board Game Now

Join over 20,000 other backers and pledge for Monster Hunter World: The Board Game now! (Pledge manager closes August 31)

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